Poland Jobs Demand, Intestine Calbrator, Upholsters, Seamstress, Tailor Job Demand Poland 950 views0 applications

Job Opportunity in Poland

Company: Europcjska uczclnia lingwistyczno techniczna sp.z.o.o, Warsaw
Position: Intestine Calbrator

Number of Vacancies: 80

Salary: Nrs. 72,600 (600 Euro)

Position: Upholsters

Number of Vacancies: 50

Salary: Nrs. 72,600 (600 Euro)

Position: Seamstress/Tailor

Number of Vacancies: 40

Salary: Nrs. 72,600 (600 Euro)

Position: Furniture Carpenter

Number of Vacancies: 50

Salary: Nrs. 72,600 (600 Euro)

Position: Plasterer

Number of Vacancies: 50

Salary: Nrs. 72,600 (600 Euro)


Please contact manpower company below for further information:

Manpower: Marcopolo Employment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Address: P.O. Box No. 25369, Chandol, Kathmandu

Phone No.: 01-4442456, 4442455, 9851021746, 9869376689, 9841246485, 9808400446, 9813121870, 9860992811

Email: mes@ntc.net.np, marcopolo298@gmail.com

This job was published in Kantipur Daily Newspaper on December 14, 2017

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