Categories: Art

Alfresco Open Art Exhibition Cum Competition 2017

With the Motto ” An Open Platform for youngsters ( New Generation)” Alfresco has been organizing ” Alfresco Open Art Exhibition Cum COmpetition” Since 2008 continuously till the date. Every Year Alfesco team has been able to showcase the new talents and this year we are hoping to showcase more talents than even before.

1. Everyone Can Participate ( School Level, College Level, Non Students, Artists)
2. Each participants can have the maximum 5 Entries
3. Painting SIze- 15 Inch x 22 Inch ( Half size), 11 Inch X 15 Inch ( Qtr Size)
4. Participants can use any medium for paintings.
5. Posters and designs will not be slected for the competition.
6. Judges committee decision willbe the final decisions.
7. There is no size bar for the guests artis as they will not be included in the competition.

Competiion , Result and exhibition

8. Winners profile will be published in ALFRESCO emagazine.
9.Paintings will be kept for sale in exhibition, Hence, price and the title of the paintings must be mentioned while submitting the entries.
10.Paintings once sold will not be returned at any cost. so donot forget to mention whether you would like to sell or not.

Forms and Entries

11.Entries must be submitted to ALFRESCO authorised representatives.
12. Last date for entries (Paintings) submission is 20th Jan 2017.
13. Registration form will be charged Rs.50/- ( Fifty Rupees)
14.Each paintings will be charged Rs. 500 /- (Five Hundred Rupees only ) for each entry. If 2 paintings Rs.1000/- ( One Thousand Rupees only).
15.2 Passport size phots and profile must be attached with the entry.
16.Participants can take their paintings back from the exhibition venue on the following day of the exhibition completion day or participants shhould contact Alfresco representatives or visit the spot appointed by Alfresco to take their paintings back.


Organizer: Alfresco Media and Events Management Pvt. Ltd.
Co-ordinator: Shyam Krishna Shrestha

For Form COllection and Painting Submission:
Contact No. 9801045791/92/93, 9721469031, 9818004158
POB No. 20385
For updates and text query, like our facebook page : Alfresco e-Magazine

Open art competionOpen art competion
