International Legal Foundation 622 views

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International Legal Foundation

The ILF is a New York based NGO, specializing in assisting post-conflict countries set up a public defender system to provide quality, cost-effective, legal representation to indigents accused of a crime. During its first trip to Nepal in 2006, the ILF heard from many different sources that despite the existence of legislative provisions ensuring such representation, the implementation of the legislation has been feeble. While a number of NGOs provide legal services, most focus on human rights of oppressed groups. No organization is exclusively dedicated to providing criminal defense services for the poor, and as a result, criminal defense for the indigent remains timid. Lawyers are very reluctant to challenge established practices that often result in arbitrary pre-trial and pre-verdict detentions. Consequently, detainees who cannot afford counsel are not receiving proper, if any, representation in their criminal cases. Few if any lawyers � certainly not legal aid lawyers -- practice the kind of focused proactive criminal defense needed to build a democracy in a post-conflict country.

Special Instructions for applicants

ILF-Nepal is an equal opportunity employer, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, caste, gender, ethnicity, etc. Women, Dalits, Janjati and other minorities are encouraged to apply.
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