World Vision International Nepal (WVIN) 1716 views

World Vision International Nepal (WVIN)

World Vision started its development initiatives in Nepal in 1982 by donating funds to local groups for building hospitals and providing health care. In response to the 1988 earthquake, World Vision helped local non-governmental organisations in providing assistance to the people affected. Similarly, in 1993, World Vision helped people affected by the floods through local partners. World Vision formally started its long-term development work in Nepal after signing both general and project agreement with the Social Welfare Council in 2001.Over the past years, World Vision International Nepal (WVIN) has funded community development in 14 districts namely Bhaktapur, Doti, Jumla, Kathmandu, Kaski, Kailali, Lamjung, Lalitpur, Morang, Rupandehi, Sunsari, Udayapur, Achham and Sindhuli through its Area Development Programmes (ADP). In 2013, four ADPs in Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, Kaski and Lalitpur districts phased out. World Vision is currently operational in 11 districts with 16 ADPs and projects in Lalitpur working with a goal to empower vulnerable children, their families and communities in Nepal to improve their quality of life with dignity and peace.
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