EDV2018, USA What Occupations will Qualify for the Diversity Visa Program (eDV)?

Please refer to the table below for the complete green card occupation list which are eligible to apply for the DV Lottery.

The Department of Labor (DOL) O*Net Online database groups job experience into five “job zones.” While many occupations are listed on the DOL Website, only certain specified occupations qualify for the Diversity Visa Program. To qualify for a Diversity Visa on the basis of your work experience, you must, within the past five years, have two years of experience in an occupation that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5, classified in a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) range of 7.0 or higher.

Please refer to the table below for a list of occupations which are eligible for Green Card registration

O*NET-SOC Occupation Title O*NET-SOC Code
Accountants 13-2011.01
Actuaries 15-2011.00
Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers 23-1021.00
Administrative Services Managers 11-3011.00
Adult Literacy, Remedial Education, and GED Teachers and Instructors 25-3011.00
Advertising and Promotions Managers 11-2011.00
Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians 17-3021.00
Aerospace Engineers 17-2011.00
Agricultural Crop Farm Managers 11-9011.02
Agricultural Engineers 17-2021.00
Agricultural Inspectors 45-2011.00
Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1041.00
Air Traffic Controllers 53-2021.00
Aircraft Engine Specialists 49-3011.02
Airframe-and-Power-Plant Mechanics 49-3011.01
Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers 53-2011.00
Anesthesiologists 29-1061.00
Animal Scientists 19-1011.00
Anthropologists 19-3091.01
Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1061.00
Appraisers, Real Estate 13-2021.02
Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators 23-1022.00
Archeologists 19-3091.02
Architects, Except Landscape and Naval 17-1011.00
Architectural Drafters 17-3011.01
Archivists 25-4011.00
Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1062.00
Art Directors 27-1011.00
Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1121.00
Assessors 13-2021.01
Astronomers 19-2011.00
Athletic Trainers 29-9091.00
Atmospheric and Space Scientists 19-2021.00
Audio and Video Equipment Technicians 27-4011.00
Audiologists 29-1121.00
Audio-Visual Collections Specialists 25-9011.00
Auditors 13-2011.02
Aviation Inspectors 53-6051.01
Avionics Technicians 49-2091.00
Biochemists 19-1021.01
Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1042.00
Biologists 19-1020.01
Biophysicists 19-1021.02
Boat Builders and Shipwrights 47-2031.05
Boilermakers 47-2011.00
Bookbinders 51-5012.00
Broadcast News Analysts 27-3021.00
Broadcast Technicians 27-4012.00
Budget Analysts 13-2031.00
Calibration and Instrumentation Technicians 17-3023.02
Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers 49-9061.00
Camera Operators 51-5022.04
Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Motion Picture 27-4031.00
Carpet Installers
Cartographers and Photogrammetrists 17-1021.00
Cartoonists 27-1013.03
Ceiling Tile Installers 47-2081.01
Central Office and PBX Installers and Repairers 49-2022.01
Chefs and Head Cooks 35-1011.00
Chemical Engineers 17-2041.00
Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1052.00
Chemists 19-2031.00
Child Support, Missing Persons, and Unemployment Insurance Fraud Investigators 33-3021.04
Child, Family, and School Social Workers 21-1021.00
Chiropractors 29-1011.00
Choreographers 27-2032.00
Civil Engineering Technicians 17-3022.00
Civil Engineers 17-2051.00
Claims Examiners, Property and Casualty Insurance 13-1031.01
Clergy 21-2011.00
Clinical Psychologists 19-3031.02
Coaches and Scouts 27-2022.00
Commercial and Industrial Designers 27-1021.00
Commercial Pilots 53-2013.00
Compensation and Benefits Managers 11-3041.00
Composers 27-2041.03
Computer and Information Systems Managers 11-3021.00
Computer Hardware Engineers 17-2061.00
Computer Programmers 15-1021.00
Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1021.00
Computer Security Specialists 15-1071.01
Computer Software Engineers, Applications 15-1031.00
Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 15-1032.00
Computer Support Specialists 15-1041.00
Construction Carpenters 47-2031.01
Construction Managers 11-9021.00
Copy Writers 27-3043.04
Coroners 13-1041.06
Cost Estimators 13-1051.00
Costume Attendants 39-3092.00
Counseling Psychologists 19-3031.03
Creative Writers 27-3043.02
Credit Analysts 13-2041.00
Criminal Investigators and Special Agents 33-3021.03
Curators 25-4012.00
Custom Tailors 51-6052.02
Dancers 27-2031.00
Data Processing Equipment Repairers 49-2011.02
Database Administrators 15-1061.00
Dentists, General 29-1021.00
Desktop Publishers 43-9031.00
Dietetic Technicians 29-2051.00
Dietitians and Nutritionists 29-1031.00
Directors- Stage, Motion Pictures, Television, and Radio 27-2012.02
Directors, Religious Activities and Education 21-2021.00
Dot Etchers 51-5022.08
Economics Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1063.00
Economists 19-3011.00
Editors 27-3041.00
Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School
Education Administrators, Postsecondary 11-9033.00
Education Administrators, Preschool and Child Care Center/Program 11-9031.00
Educational Psychologists 19-3031.01
Educational, Vocational, and School Counselors 21-1012.00
Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay 49-2095.00
Electrical Drafters 17-3012.02
Electrical Engineering Technicians 17-3023.03
Electrical Engineers 17-2071.00
Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers 49-9051.00
Electro-Mechanical Technicians 17-3024.00
Electronic Masking System Operators 51-5022.09
Electronics Engineering Technicians 17-3023.01
Electronics Engineers, Except Computer 17-2072.00
Electrotypers and Stereotypers 51-5022.10
Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education 25-2021.00
Elevator Installers and Repairers 47-4021.00
Embalmers 39-4011.00
Engineering Managers 11-9041.00
Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1032.00
English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1123.00
Engraver Set-Up Operators 51-5023.08
Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health 19-2041.00
Epidemiologists 19-1041.00
Equal Opportunity Representatives and Officers 13-1041.03
Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 43-6011.00
Exhibit Designers< 27-1027.02
Family and General Practitioners 29-1062.00
Farm and Home Management Advisors 25-9021.00
Film and Video Editors 27-4032.00
Film Laboratory Technicians 51-9131.04
Financial Analysts 13-2051.00
Financial Examiners 13-2061.00
Financial Managers, Branch or Department 11-3031.02
Fire Investigators 33-2021.02
Fire-Prevention and Protection Engineers 17-2111.02
First-Line Supervisors and Manager/Supervisors – Logging Workers 45-1011.05
First-Line Supervisors and Manager/Supervisors- Construction Trades Workers 47-1011.01
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers 49-1011.00
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Police and Detectives 33-1012.00
Fish Hatchery Managers 11-9011.03
Fitters, Structural Metal- Precision 51-2041.02
Food Scientists and Technologists 19-1012.00
Food Service Managers 11-9051.00
Foreign Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1124.00
Forensic Science Technicians 19-4092.00
Forest Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisors 33-1021.02
Foresters 19-1032.00
Forestry and Conservation Science Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1043.00
Funeral Directors 11-9061.00
Gas Appliance Repairers 49-9031.02
Gas Compressor Operators 53-7071.02
Geographers 19-3092.00
Geologists 19-2042.01
Glass Blowers, Molders, Benders, and Finishers 51-9195.04
Government Service Executives 11-1011.01
Graduate Teaching Assistants 25-1191.00
Graphic Designers 27-1024.00
Hand Compositors and Typesetters 51-5022.01
Health Educators 21-1091.00
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1071.00
Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanics 49-9021.01
Historians 19-3093.00
History Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1125.00
Housekeeping Supervisors 37-1011.01
Human Resources Managers 11-3040.00
Hydrologists 19-2043.00
Industrial Engineers 17-2112.00
Industrial Production Managers 11-3051.00
Industrial Safety and Health Engineers 17-2111.01
Industrial-Organizational Psychologists 19-3032.00
Instructional Coordinators 25-9031.00
Insurance Appraisers, Auto Damage 13-1032.00
Insurance Underwriters 13-2053.00
Interior Designers 27-1025.00
Internists, General 29-1063.00
Jewelers 51-9071.01
Job Printers 51-5021.00
Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates 23-1023.00
Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education 25-2012.00
Landscape Architects 17-1012.00
Law Clerks 23-2092.00
Lawn Service Managers 37-1012.01
Lawyers 23-1011.00
Librarians 25-4021.00
Loan Counselors 13-2071.00
Loan Officers 13-2072.00
Locomotive Engineers 53-4011.00
Machinists 51-4041.00
Management Analysts 13-1111.00
Marine Architects 17-2121.02
Marine Cargo Inspectors 53-6051.03
Marine Engineers< 17-2121.01
Market Research Analysts 19-3021.00
Marketing Managers 11-2021.00
Materials Engineers 17-2131.00
Materials Scientists 19-2032.00
Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1022.00
Mathematical Technicians 15-2091.00
Mathematicians 15-2021.00
Mechanical Drafters 17-3013.00
Mechanical Engineering Technicians 17-3027.00
Mechanical Engineers 17-2141.00
Mechanical Inspectors 51-9061.02
Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists 29-2011.00
Medical and Health Services Managers 11-9111.00
Medical and Public Health Social Workers 21-1022.00
Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists 19-1042.00
Meeting and Convention Planners 13-1121.00
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers 21-1023.00
Mental Health Counselors 21-1014.00
Metal Fabricators, Structural Metal Products 51-2041.01
Microbiologists 19-1022.00
Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Vocational Education 25-2022.00
Millwrights 49-9044.00
Mining and Geological Engineers, Including Mining Safety Engineers 17-2151.00
Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Except Engines 49-3042.00
Model Makers, Metal and Plastic 51-4061.00
Model Makers, Wood 51-7031.00
Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisors 33-1021.01
Music Arrangers and Orchestrators 27-2041.02
Music Directors 27-2041.01
Musicians, Instrumental 27-2042.02
Natural Sciences Managers 11-9121.00
Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts 15-1081.00
Nuclear Engineers 17-2161.00
Nuclear Medicine Technologists 29-2033.00
Nuclear Power Reactor Operators< 51-8011.00
Nursery and Greenhouse Managers 11-9011.01
Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1072.00
Obstetricians and Gynecologists 29-1064.00
Occupational Health and Safety Specialists 29-9011.00
Occupational Therapists 29-1122.00
Offset Lithographic Press Setters and Set-Up Operators 51-5023.02
Operations Research Analysts 15-2031.00
Optical Instrument Assemblers 51-9083.02
Opticians, Dispensing 29-2081.00
Optometrists 29-1041.00
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 29-1022.00
Orthodontists 29-1023.00
Painters and Illustrators 27-1013.01
Painters, Construction and Maintenance 47-2141.00
Paralegals and Legal Assistants 23-2011.00
Park Naturalists 19-1031.03
Paste-Up Workers< 51-5022.02
Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic 51-4062.00
Patternmakers, Wood 51-7032.00
Pediatricians, General 29-1065.00
Petroleum Engineers 17-2171.00
Petroleum Refinery and Control Panel Operators 51-8093.02
Pewter Casters and Finishers 51-9071.05
Pharmacists 29-1051.00
Photoengravers 51-5022.03
Physical Therapists 29-1123.00
Physician Assistants 29-1071.00
Physicists 19-2012.00
Physics Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1054.00
Pilots, Ship 53-5021.03
Pipe Fitters 47-2152.01
Plant Scientists 19-1013.01
Plasterers and Stucco Masons 47-2161.00
Plate Finishers 51-5022.11
Podiatrists 29-1081.00
Poets and Lyricists 27-3043.01
Police Detectives 33-3021.01
Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1065.00
Political Scientists 19-3094.00
Postmasters and Mail Superintendents 11-9131.00
Potters 51-9195.05
Power Distributors and Dispatchers 51-8012.00
Power Generating Plant Operators, Except Auxiliary Equipment Operators 51-8013.01
Precision Pattern and Die Casters, Nonferrous Metals 51-9195.02
Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education 25-2011.00
Pressure Vessel Inspectors 13-1041.05
Private Sector Executives 11-1011.02
Producers 27-2012.01
Product Safety Engineers 17-2111.03
Program Directors 27-2012.03
Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers 11-9141.00
Prosthodontists 29-1024.00
Psychiatrists 29-1066.00
Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1066.00
Public Relations Specialists 27-3031.00
Public Transportation Inspectors 53-6051.02
Purchasing Agents and Buyers, Farm Products 13-1021.00
Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products 13-1023.00
Purchasing Managers 11-3061.00
Radiation Therapists 29-1124.00
Radiologic Technicians 29-2034.02
Radiologic Technologists 29-2034.01
Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters 53-4031.00
Range Managers 19-1031.02
Recreational Therapists 29-1125.00
Reed or Wind Instrument Repairers and Tuners 49-9063.03
Refrigeration Mechanics 49-9021.02
Registered Nurses 29-1111.00
Reporters and Correspondents 27-3022.00
Sales Agents, Securities and Commodities 41-3031.01
Sales Engineers 41-9031.00
Sales Managers 11-2022.00
Scanner Operators 51-5022.05
Sculptors 27-1013.04
Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Vocational Education 25-2031.00
Self-Enrichment Education Teachers 25-3021.00
Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas, and Mining 47-5013.00
Set Designers 27-1027.01
Ship and Boat Captains 53-5021.01
Ship Engineers 53-5031.00
Signal and Track Switch Repairers 49-9097.00
Social and Community Service Managers 11-9151.00
Sociology Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1067.00
Soil Conservationists 19-1031.01
Soil Scientists 19-1013.02
Special Education Teachers, Middle School 25-2042.00
Special Education Teachers, Preschool, Kindergarten, and Elementary School 25-2041.00
Special Education Teachers, Secondary School 25-2043.00
Speech-Language Pathologists 29-1127.00
Station Installers and Repairers, Telephone 49-2022.05
Statisticians 15-2041.00
Stonemasons 47-2022.00
Storage and Distribution Managers 11-3071.02
Strippers 51-5022.06
Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors 21-1011.00
Surgeons 29-1067.00
Surveying Technicians 17-3031.01
Surveyors 17-1022.00
Tax Examiners, Collectors, and Revenue Agents 13-2081.00
Technical Directors/Managers 27-2012.05
Technical Writers 27-3042.00
Tool and Die Makers 51-4111.00
Traffic Technicians 53-6041.00
Training and Development Managers 11-3042.00
Training and Development Specialists 13-1073.00
Transformer Repairers 49-2092.04
Transportation Managers 11-3071.01
Treasurers, Controllers, and Chief Financial Officers 11-3031.01
Urban and Regional Planners 19-3051.00
Veterinarians 29-1131.00
Vocational Education 25-1194.00
Vocational Education Teachers, Middle School 25-2023.00
Vocational Education Teachers, Secondary School 25-2032.00
Welder-Fitters 51-4121.03
Wellhead Pumpers 53-7073.00
Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists 19-1023.00

Source: http://www.green-card.com.au/green-card-occupation-list/


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