Abu Dhabi, UAE Jobs, Waiter, Waitresss, Cooks, Foreign Food Cooks, Supervisors and Others 3073 views1 applications

Job Opportunity in UAE

Free Visa – Free Ticket


Company: Kelvin Catering Services (Emlrates) Ll, Abu Dhabi 

Position: Waiter & Waitress

Number of Vacancies: 15 Male, 10 Female

Salary Rs. 36,840

Position: Asst Cooks

Number of Vacancies: 10 Male

Salary Rs. 36,840

Position: Foreign Food Cook

Number of Vacancies: 25 Male

Salary Rs. 49,120

Position: Catering Supervisor

Number of Vacancies: 10 Male

Salary Rs. 76,750

Position: Location Supervisor

Number of Vacancies: 6 Male

Salary Rs. 92,100

Position: Baker Oven

Number of Vacancies: 5 Male

Salary Rs. 61,400

Position: Bakery Man

Number of Vacancies: 10 Male

Salary Rs. 67.540

Position: Ordinary Labor

Number of Vacancies: 17 Male

Salary Rs. 33,770


Final Interview: 2075 Mangsir 13 & 14 (29 & 30 November 2018

Please contact manpower company below for further information:

Manpower: Vision & Value Overseas Pvt. Ltd.

Address: Samakhushi, Townplanning, Kathmandu

Phone No.: 4358395, 4359043, 4390696

Mobile: 9851145687, 9851055165, 9818002688, 9846035174

Email: applyvnvjobs@gmail.com

This job was published in Kantipur Dainik on 25 November 2018

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