Bahrain Jobs – Driver, Labor and others 2672 views0 applications

Company: Modern Mechanical Electrical And Transport Co WLL

Position: Heavy Driver (GCC. Lic.)

Number of Vacancies: 30

salary Rs.: 51,280

Position: Labour/Worker

Number of Vacancies: 50

salary Rs.: 30,165

Position: Forklift Operator

Number of Vacancies: 20

salary Rs.: 36,198

Position: TT Driver

Number of Vacancies: 20

salary Rs.: 36,198

Position: Tally Clerks

Number of Vacancies: 25

salary Rs.: 39,215

Position: Supervisor

Number of Vacancies: 20

salary Rs.: 45,246


Pre-Interview: on going

Please contact manpower company below for further information:

Manpower: Al Saheli Manpower Pvt. Ltd.

Address: Samakhusi, Townplanning -29

Phone No.: 01-4387372, 4387740, 9818619780


 published in Madhyanha Daily on 03 March 2019

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