British Gurkhas Recruitment Intake 2018 25922 views10 applications

Job Opportunity in British Army





• Age: Minimum 17 ½ and maximum 21 years of age as at 01 Jan 2018.
• Born between AD 01/01/1997 – 01/07/2000 (BS 17/09/2053 – 17/03/2057)


• For those sitting Nepal up to 2015 (British Army or GCSPF): SLC 3rd Div as minimum
• For those sitting Nepal SLC from 2016 onwards applying British Army: Min 3 x C and 2 x D grades. Must have C grade in Maths and English.
• For those sitting Nepal SLC from 2016 onwards applying GCSPF: Min 3 x C and 2 x D grades. Must have C grade in English.
• For those (British Army or GCSPF) with GCSE, O Level or other National Certificates equivalent to SLC must have minimum of 5 subjects with minimum grades of 3 x Cs and 2 x Ds (Must passed English and Math). SLC compartmental pass (private SLC and open learning) will be accepted. N level and any vocational subject passes will not be accepted.


• Height: Minimum 158cm
• Weight: Minimum 50kg
• Eyes: Glasses/Contact Lenses/Laser Surgery Not accepted
• Physique: Physical abnormality will not be accepted.
• Teeth: For BA: No more than four faults (fillings, gaps or false teeth)
• Front false teeth will not be accepted.
• For GCSPF: No more than two fillings or one false tooth or a gap.
• False front teeth will not be accepted.
• Sick: An Individual PR who is suffering from transferable diseases will not be accepted.


a. Registration (10 Jun – 22 Jul 17). The application form for Registration will be available at no cost at the two Army Careers
Information Offices (ACIOs) at British Gurkhas Pokhara (BGP) and British Gurkhas Dharan (BGD). Completed forms must be submitted in person and the PRs will be asked to sign a record of submission. PRs must bring the original documents and photocopies as described below at para 4 and para 5 as applicable. In addition PRs must bring PT shorts and a black ball pen for registration. Any applicant who fails to do 8 heaves prior to registration will not be registered. Applicants are to be decided as to whether they are applying for enlistment into the British Army (BA) or Gurkha Contingent Singapore Police Force (GCSPF). Instructions for Regional Selection will be published on the British Gurkhas Nepal website , at ACIOs, at British Gurkhas Kathmandu (BGK) and at Area Welfare Centres on 31 Jul 17.

b. Regional Selection. Only those PRs who have submitted an application form and met the minimum criteria set out above will bepermitted to attend Regional Selection (RS) either in Pokhara or Dharan. Different dates for attendance will be allocated as per the zilla where a PR is registered according to his NPP.

Physical assessment during RS will be as follows:

o Heaves: For BA (Under Arm) and GCSPF (Over Arm) as many heaves to the beam as possible (minimum 12, no time limit).
o Sit-ups: as many sit-ups as possible in 2 minutes on flat ground (minimum 70) and 800m run (time under 2 minutes 40 seconds).
o Powerbag Lifts (BA Only): To lift a 30kg powerbag from the ground to a 1.45m platform repetitively. Repeat the exercise until the individual is unable the perform a lift onto the platform. See for details.

A demonstration will be shown at Registration.
o Jerry Can Carry (BA Only): Carry 2 Jerrycans each weighing 20 kg over a course of 30 metres in length for as many times as possible until failure. See for details. A demonstration will be shown at Registration.

Medical: There will be basic medical checks.

Education. For both BA and GCSPF there will be written English and Mathematic tests – though BA and GCSPF use different test papers.

At the end candidates will be interviewed in English and Nepali by a board consisting of one British and one Gurkha Officer. There will be a short Devanagari test at interview stage. Failure to read Devanagari could affect your chance of success.


c. Central Selection. Successful candidates at Regional Selection will be call forward for the Central Selection at British Gurkhas Pokhara
Camp. The instruction will be published on 9 Sep 17 for Western candidates and 17 Nov 17 for Eastern candidates. During this period a series of physical, educational and medical assessments will be conducted. There will be no swim test for any applicant. Applicants will be briefed further during Regional Selection.


All candidates must bring the following ORIGINAL documents as well as an A4 size photocopy of all
documents to Registration. PRs are to bring original documents to Regional and Central Selection.

a. Nagarikta ko Praman Patra (NPP). h. Machine Readable Passport (MRP).
b. Marriage Certificate (if married). i. Birth Certificates of children (where applicable).
c. Parents’ Nagarikta ko Praman Patra. j. Parent’s Marriage Certificate if father’s name is not mentioned on mother’s NPP
d. Parent’s Death Certificate (where applicable). k. Migration Certificate (where applicable).
e. Caste Verification (Where applicable).
f. Education: SLC Examination Certificate (Prabeshika Parikschha Praman Patra), SLC Examination Mark Sheet, Character
Certificates are also to be brought.
g. 2 x recently taken Passport size photographs (Size 35mm x 45mm) with their hair cut and no topi for Registration. Any photograph or candidates with long hair or unnatural hair will not be accepted.


a. Sons of Ex-Servicemen from BA and GCSPF, who are permanently living in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur and have
obtained NPP from Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur are eligible to register for selection from their respective zilla.
b. Sons of Ex-Servicemen (British Army, Gurkha Contingent of Singapore Police Force, Indian Army, Nepal Army and Nepal Police)
must bring their father’s RECORD OF SERVICE. i.e. DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE, Lal book (AF B108).
c. Sons of all Serving personnel are to provide letter confirming identity from his father’s unit Commanding Officer.
d. Anyone who fails to bring these documents will not be allowed to register.

7. DO NOT:

a. Attempt to bribe, influence or pressurize recruiting staff.
b. Present false document.
c. Pay bribes to DALALs or intermediaries because DALALs have no influence in the selection process.
d. Attend recruit selection if you are not fully prepared.
e. Attempt for recruit selection if you do not have a reasonable chance of passing selection.

8. DO:

a. Prepare yourself as much as possible – both physically and mentally before recruit selection.
b. Follow the advice on the British Gurkha Nepal website at


Application to join the British Gurkhas and GCSPF is, and has always been, completely FREE OF CHARGE. Do not believe anyone who tells you that there is an application charge or that they can help an applicant if paid.


British Gurkha Nepal is not liable and cannot be held responsible for the disturbance to an individual’s studies and any injury or
illness which may occur as a result of participation in selection.

Education papers


Click This Link to Download Registration Instruction

The British Gurkha Camp in Pokhara is the focal point for all recruiting activities in Nepal and in December each year the culmination of procedures sees 310 young men being selected. Of these 310, approx 230 will go to the British Army and 80 to the Gurkha Contingent of the Singapore Police Force.

A very large number of interested individuals causes considerable competition for the relatively few places. The standards looked for by very experienced recruiting staff are extremely high and the process is very demanding for potential recruits.
Selection of only the very best candidates and insistence on the highest standards is a direct reflection of the challenging circumstances in which British soldiers may find themselves; a dangerous world that demands of servicemen adaptability, robustness and determination. The selection process is purely merit-based.

Final selection is determined by a number of physical and mental assessments, which demonstrate the potential of an individual to be trained as a soldier in the Brigade of Gurkhas. Only those who demonstrate this raw potential and those with the strongest assessment statistics will be accepted.

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