Home Based Job in UNDP, Job vacancy in UNDP


Organization: UNDP

UN Women: National Consultant for Comprehensive Review of the Key National Legal Framework Regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)- Open for Nepali citizens only

Location : Home-based

Type of Contract : Individual Contract

Post Level : National Consultant

Languages Required : English

Duration of Initial Contract : 30 days



UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.
In Nepal, UN Women is currently implementing its 2014-17 Strategic Note and Annual Work Plan (country programme) which incorporates several thematic areas, including economic empowerment, governance and leadership, ending violence against women and girls, and peace and security and humanitarian action. Across all of its work, UN Women applies its normative and coordination mandates, and works through strategic partnerships and on generating knowledge and evidence. UN Women is also engaged in the humanitarian response following the tragic earthquakes of 2015.
Acting within a changing landscape of funding for multilateral agencies, and as part of UN Women’s global strategy on partnerships and resource mobilisation, UN Women Nepal Country Office (NCO) is strongly committed to working with the private sector on common agenda leveraging collective strengths. UN Women NCO seeks to explore the potential to expand partnerships with various private sector actors in Nepal. The Strategic Partnership and Resource Mobilisation (SPRM) Unit is responsible for proactively driving the strategic positioning and resource mobilisation efforts of UN Women NCO so that the size, sources and predictability of its resources help the organisation achieve its strategic goals. During initial contacts between UN Women NCO and private sector actors in Nepal, several questions regarding the technicalities of the legal framework of Government of Nepal (GoN) surrounding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and financial contributions from private sectors actors have arisen.
Within this context, the SPRM Unit of UN Women NCO currently seeks to enrol the services of a national consultant, with a solid background in corporate and legal environments, tasked with providing a comprehensive background/mapping of the relevant national legal framework regarding CSR and financial contributions from private sector actors to UN Women NCO. In addition, the national consultant shall be tasked with conducting a comprehensive mapping of current CSR initiatives in Nepal as well as present a list of potentially suitable partnerships between UN Women NCO and private sectors actors in Nepal.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Strategic Partnership Specialist and in close collaboration with the Strategic Partnership and Resource Mobilization (SPRM) Unit and the Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Unit, the National Consultant will undertake a comprehensive review of the key national legal framework regarding CSR and the potential for financial contributions from private sector actors to UN Women NCO. This information will be used to attract private sector actors to engage in CSR work, thus, garnering support for UN Women NCO’s efforts in gender equality and women’s empowerment. In addition, the national consultant will conduct a comprehensive mapping of current CSR initiatives in Nepal as well as present a list of potentially suitable partnerships between UN Women NCO and private sectors actors in Nepal. The outcome of these tasks will guide forthcoming potential partnerships between UN Women NCO and private sector actors in Nepal.
The consultant will perform the following tasks:
• Review the relevant legal framework, sectoral CSR policies and implementation mechanisms of GoN regarding CSR, focusing benefits a company is entitled to.
• Conduct a comprehensive mapping of existing CSR initiatives in Nepal, focusing on top 20 companies with whom UN Women NCO can foster partnerships.
• Prepare a plan of action for steps to be taken in order to materialse forthcoming partnerships between UN Women NCO and private sector actors and to access resources under the CSR
• Provide inputs as and when requested in relation to CSR initiatives and government provisions.

Key Deliverables:

• A two page summary of legal framework, policies and implementation mechanisms related to CSR of GoN.
• A comprehensive document outlining legal framework and policies of GoN related to CSR, highlighting the benefits of engaging in CSR for private companies.
• A PowerPoint presentation outlining legal framework and policies of GoN related to CSR.
• A two page summary of existing CSR initiatives in Nepal, focusing on potentially suitable partnerships between UN Women NCO and private sector actors in Nepal.
• A comprehensive document outlining background, nature and scope of existing CSR initiatives in Nepal as well as potentially suitable partnerships between UN Women NCO and private sector actors in Nepal.
• A PowerPoint presentation outlining existing CSR initiatives in Nepal as well as potentially suitable partnerships between UN Women NCO and private sector actors in Nepal.
Duration of assignment and duty station: This is a home-based assignment with frequent visit of UN Women NCO. All the deliverables are expected to complete within a month time from the date of signing the contract.
Schedule of Payments: 100% Payment will be made on completion of the deliverables upon satisfactory performance of the consultant.


• Builds strong relationships;
• Focuses on impact and results and responds positively to feedback;
• Approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
• Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity;
• Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment;
• Self-development, initiative-taking;
• Acting as a team player and facilitating team work;
• Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively;
• Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others.

Required Skills and Experience


• Bachelor’s Degree in Management studies or another relevant Social Science subject. Experience on CSR related work will be an added advanage.


• 3 years of relevant experience at the national or international level in law, judicial systems, tax and financial policies and/or CSR. Experience with conducting independent comprehensive reviews of legal frameworks and or CSR policies is an added advantage.
• Knowledge and experience at the national or international level in law, judicial systems, tax and financial policies is an added advantage.
• Understanding of UN programming and funding system.
• Understanding of and familiarity with women’s rights and social inclusion issues in Nepal will be prefered.
• Work experience in similar assignments with development agencies is desirable.


• Excellent command of written and oral English and Nepali.

Evaluation of applicants:

The candidates will be evaluated in three stages: according to minimum qualification, technical and financial evaluation.
The award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
• Responsive/ complaint/ acceptable, and
• Having received the highest cumulative technical and financial scores.
Technical evaluation criteria (including minimum qualifications):
• Qualification (Max 10 points);
• Relevant experience at the national or international level in law, judicial systems, tax and financial policies and CSR (Max 30 points);
• Experience with conducting independent comprehensive reviews of legal frameworks and or CSR policies (Max 20 points);
• Understanding of UN programming and funding system (Max 15 points);
• Understanding of and familiarity with women’s rights and social inclusion issues in Nepal (Max 15 points);
• Work experience in similar assignments with development agencies (Max 10 points).
Maximum total technical score amounts to 100 points. Only candidates who have passed over the mandatory criteria and have accumulated at least 70 points under the technical evaluation will qualify to the next round of the financial evaluation.
Evaluation of submitted financial offers will be done based on the following formula: S = Fmin / F * 30
• S – score received on financial evaluation;
• Fmin – the lowest financial offer out of all the submitted offers qualified over the technical evaluation round;
• F – Financial offer under the consideration.

Last date to apply: 3 August 2017



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