Job Vacancy For Business Development Officer,Job Vacancy In The Leprosy Mission Nepal, 540 views0 applications

The Leprosy Mission Nepal


Vacant Position: Business Development Officer

Required Numbers of Candidates: 1
Location: Lalitpur Cluster

Minimum Qualifications:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management, or any other relevant area of studies.
  2. At least 3 years of experience in relevant field.

Key Responsibilities: Business Development Officer (BDO) will bring significant experience in establishing public relationships with business owners, employers, government representatives in related areas of work, DPOs, and people with disability. BDO will ensure that the relationship with business owners and employers will bring about new opportunities to enroll skilled people with disability into the appropriate employment. Place people with disability into the matching job. Conduct monitoring and supervision of people with disability placed in formal and self–employment, analyze feedbacks received from employers, and recruit people with disability. Provide technical support to CM for timely preparation and delivery of routine progress reports. Assist Cluster Manager in maintaining subnational level networking and advocacy in coordination with the national government (Municipality, Ward), business owners, DPOs, etc. Design recruitment plans together with EC to successfully recruit People with Disability in formal and self–employment.

Application Deadline: 6th May 2022 till 16th May 2022

Click here to download Job Description for Business Development Officer
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