Job Vacancy For Cleaner,Job Vacancy In Apex Alwataniah Catering SErvices LLC,Job Demand From UAE, 1865 views0 applications

Apex Alwataniah Catering SErvices LLC

Position: Butcher

Number of Vacancies: 3 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 39,936

Position: Cleaner

Number of Vacancies: 65 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 29,952

Position: Cleaner Supervisor

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 49,920

Position: Confectioner

Number of Vacancies: 25 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 39,936

Position: Cook

Number of Vacancies: 2 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 66,560

Position: Food Service Supervisor

Number of Vacancies: 15 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 49,920

Position: Fruit and Vegetable Preserver

Number of Vacancies: 5 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 29,952

Position: Housekeeping Supervisor

Number of Vacancies: 15 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 49,920

Position: Kitchen Helper

Number of Vacancies: 40 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 33,280

Position: Store Keeper

Number of Vacancies: 1 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 39,936

Position: Vehicle Cleaner

Number of Vacancies: 5 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 29,952

Position: Waiter

Number of Vacancies: 30 (Male)
Salary: Rs. 33,380

Interview: Lalitpur, 2078 Chaitra 7 (21 March 2022)

Contact information:

Manpower : Vrindit Services Pvt. Ltd.
Address : Kupandole, Lalitpur
Phone No. : 01-5524006, 5427196
Mobile No.: 9845297209, 9841250386
Itahari: 9817381197, 9804372357
Birtamode: 9814918023, 9826963711
Pokhara: 9804186670, 9840439508
Chitwan: 9802909595, 9855019595


Source: Kantipur Dainik, March 20, 2022

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