Job Vacancy For Consultant, Job Vacancy In Deerwalk, 720 views0 applications


Deerwalk is looking for a Communication Consultant to provide American language and Cultural training to its employees.


Job Description:

  • Provide training on written and spoken American English.
  • Provide training on American Culture.
  • Provide the information on the importance of local as well as working culture in American environment.

Job Specification:

  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in social science, communications, intercultural communication, management or developer or other relevant field.
  • Experience in language and cultural management and communications.
  • Fluency in English is a must, including excellent English writing skill, preferably American English native speaker.

Application Procedure:

  • Email your application and resume to by Friday March 12, 2021.
  • Mention ‘Communication Consultant’ in the email subject.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews.
Deerwalk is an equal opportunity employer.

Source: Nepal Samacharpatra, 9 March, 2021

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