Job Vacancy For Monitoring and Evaluation and Knowledge Management Specialist, Job Vacancy In Care Nepal, 715 views0 applications


Position: Monitoring & Evaluation and Knowledge Management (M&E and KM) Specialist


Responsibility level/Grade: Specialist (5)
Department/Project/PN: Suaahara II
Incumbent’s Name: Vacant
Supervisor/Principal Evaluator/Title: Senior Manager-Health Services
Co Evaluator/Title: Coordinator- DMEL and KM


The M&E and KM Specialist will lead CARE part (Health, Integrated Adolescents, Resilience and GESI) of the work under Suaahara II project, providing support to programmatic learning in order to enhance the quality and impact of the work. S/he will be responsible for providing leadership, advice and guidance to the programme staff on monitoring, evaluation, outcome mapping and impact assessment of CARE interventions within the Suaahara II. A core function of this role is to build capacity of staff and partners in these areas. The incumbent is also responsible for the development and implementation of systems, processes and behaviours in line with CARE Nepal’s systems, processes and behaviour to reflect on, detect, and learn from the changes CARE Nepal component of Suaahara II will bring in the lives of poor, vulnerable and socially excluded women and adolescent girls at both the grassroots level and in terms of policy influence. This role will work closely with Suaahara II consortium partners, MER team and project M&E and knowledge management team to communicate and share evidence, learning, and updates from CARE Nepal’s and the project work.

The employee shall fully comply with CARE policies and procedures and should be accountable for it.

R1. Develop, implement and maintain effective knowledge management systems, processes and practices for Suaahara II Project

  • Develop and implement systems for detecting, communicating and sharing evidence about the impacts and outcomes of Suaahara II project and link with CARE Nepal’s knowledge management system
  • Lead the development, implementation and maintenance of Suaahara II project’s KM systems in line with the project’s M&E plans to monitor and evaluate CARE areas of intervention work; including appropriate mechanisms and tools for impact measurement in key change areas of Suaahara II project
  • Support project to develop and use learning plans, monitoring processes and evaluations. This will include helping projects to consider the contribution which they are making to achieving outcomes at the project level and organisational level
  • Integration of project indicators (key change areas) into their M&E plan, baseline study and evaluation of Suaahara II project.
  • Support CARE Nepal knowledge management team for strategic engagement with consortium partners & external knowledge management communities of practice, networks and platforms(e.g. AIN working group) and identify opportunities for showcasing CARE’s knowledge generated from Suaahara II
  • Maintain standard operating procedures and mechanisms for identifying best practices and evidence of impact generation in line with CARE Nepal’s standards and processes; and ensure consistent application of these through, for example, induction of concerned staff members, capacity-building of partners and regular field monitoring
  • Support program staff to identify ideas and opportunities for action research, learning and innovation

R2. Strengthen data management systems and practices (in Suaahara II project)

  • Coordinate the management and reporting of data & information about project and programmes (their progress and impacts) for sharing with consortium partners and external stakeholders (e.g. CARE USA, USAID and Government of Nepal)
  • Produce evidence based report, article and stories from the available data and disseminate it and capacitate / guide district team for this.
  • Support CARE Nepal Knowledge management team to provide leadership, guidance and technical support to staff, interns and trainees working in the areas of knowledge management, learning, monitoring and evaluation
  • Assist staff in developing tools for data collection, processing and analysis to fulfil donor requirements and help Suaahara II project team to assess its progress and analyse data to generate project learning.
  • Contribute in assessing the data quality and assessment of routine data in coordination with the program team and relevant officials of Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP).

R3. Ensure systematic documentation and dissemination of program results indicators

  • Technical support to project to document successful case studies, most significant change stories and important lessons learnt, especially regarding key change areas / indicators
  • Work with the Communications and Outreach team to share and disseminate results at different levels (e.g. workshops, publications)
  • Support the project (consortium partners and component leads) to undertake periodic monitoring and evaluations such as baselines, mid-term reviews and end-line evaluations
  •  Contribute to manage baselines, mid-term reviews and end-line evaluations (including procurement and managing external contractors when necessary)
  • Support the M&E and Knowledge Management team and communication team to develop lessons learnt materials (blogs, website posts, documents) for sharing the findings of assessments, reviews and evaluations
  • Support to organize review and reflection sessions at project level and relevant organizational level in consultation with the knowledge management team

R4. Project and partner staff capacity building on M&E

  • Ensure the data collection and analysis process meets the standard of program quality and donor requirement.
  • Support staff and partners in preparing progress reports
  • Support project team to assess/plan M&E and Data Management related training needs of project and partners staff and coordinate/provide training.

R5. Communication and Collaboration

  • Contribute to capture, packaging, synthesizing and sharing of key knowledge products including case studies, project reports and papers for peer-reviewed journals or articles for social media platforms
  • Document learning and evidence in support of best practices and key projects/approaches by travelling to project areas to collect and document, and substantial reworking and editing of existing materials prepared by the projects / partners to improve organization, coherence and clarity.
  • Participate in relevant cross-learning working groups and theme at CARE and outside of CARE in coordination with DMEL and KM and communication team.
  • Undertake research including literature reviews as needed in support of knowledge products for Suaahara II project.

R6. Upholding CARE’s Core values and ensuring its principles

  • Comply and exercise organizational values and culture
  • Help to promote rights and good governance
  • Responsible for gender responsive behaviour in all actions and decisions

WORKING CONDITIONS: Kathmandu based with 50% field travel


  • Master’s Degree in Public Health or Nutrition with relevant and sufficient experience in knowledge management, research and social analysis, with strong focus on social research and learning


  • At least 3 years relevant experience in M&E demonstrating impact through quantitative and qualitative data or equivalent combination of academic research.
  • Previous experience in the areas of maternal new born and child health (MNCH), nutrition, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) mainstreaming, Resilience, and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
    • Experience of working in consortium approach would be an added advantage.

Skills and knowledge:

  • Strong knowledge and experience in quantitative and qualitative monitoring, evaluation and learning techniques.
  • Strong understanding of project/program and experience in development and implementation of project M&E methods, processes and tools including result based monitoring. Understanding of outcome mapping will be an added advantage.
  • Good training and facilitation skill and experience in MEL capacity building
  • Solid experience in data analysis and generating project/program learning to guide project/program implementation and contribution in design process
  • Strong command of MS Excel; Knowledge and experience of using statistical tools / software packages an advantage.
  • Strong interpersonal communication skill
  • Fluency in Nepali and English language in both written and verbal communication.
  •  Documentation and report writing skills
  • Familiarity of applying digital tools/equipment for M&E and knowledge management. Competencies:
  • Information gathering and processing– Able to locate and collect data from a variety of sources and analyse it to provide meaningful and concise reports that summaries the information
  • Analytical thinking – Able to integrate information from diverse sources, often involving large amounts of data; this includes synthesizing information and summarizing it into key points for use by others
  • Creativity and innovation – Able to think creatively to encourage learning and demonstrate an adaptive style in sharing ideas and learning with others
  • Leadership – Able to assume a leadership role in helping others to achieve excellent results
  • Team work – Able to work effectively with other people within a work group
  • Developing others – Able to foster the development of others by providing a supportive learning environment
  • Influencing – Able to generate commitment and build consensus among others and gain their support
  • Communicating and sharing ideas and information – Able to present information and express opinions confidently to internal and external audiences
  • Writing – Able to communicate ideas and information in writing to ensure that information and messages are understood and have the desired impact
  • Initiative – Deals with situations and issues proactively and persistently
  • Embracing and Valuing Diversity – Able to contribute effectively to a culture that positively values the diversity of people, values and ideas within CARE Nepal
  • Innovation – Demonstrates openness to new ideas, seeks out new opportunities
  • Interpersonal sensitivity – Able to communicate with sensitivity and foster communication, actively listening to others

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