Job Vacancy For Security Guard,Job Vacancy In Saned Facility Management LLC,Job Demand From UAE, 2812 views0 applications

Saned Facility Management LLC

Position: Security Guard

Number of Vacancies: 150 (Male), 50 (Female)
Salary: Rs. 52,950

Position: Cleaner

Number of Vacancies: 50 (Male), 50 (Female)
Salary: Rs. 26,475

Interview: Kathmandu, 2078 Chaitra 13, 14, 15 and 16 (27, 28, 29 & 30 March 2022)

Contact information:

Manpower : Future Star Manpower Pvt. Ltd.
Address : Townplanning, Samakhushi, Kathmandu
Phone No. : 4360576, 4350719
Mobile No.: 9810101810, 9851100426
Email: [email protected]


Source: Kantipur Dainik, 24 March, 2022

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