Job Vacancy For Team Leader,Job Vacancy In Nepal Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS-P) Phase II, 862 views0 applications



Position: Team Leader

1. Introduction to Nepal Vocational Qualification System (NVQS-P)
Government of Nepal (GoN) and Government of Switzerland have been implementing Nepal Vocational Qualifications System Project (NVQS-P) since 2015. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is providing financial and technical assistance to the GoN (Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)/Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST)) for the implementation of the project.

Swisscontact is a leading partner organisation of SDC for the implementation of international development projects.
Swisscontact Nepal has set up a technical assistance team- Project Support Unit (PSU) on behalf of SDC for implementation of NVQS project. PSU technically supports to the government to establish and implement National Vocational Qualification System (NVQS).

Nepal Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS) is envisioned as a long-term project, focused on bringing about systemic changes in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system in Nepal that will enable women and men including disadvantaged groups to get access to increased employment and self-employment performing at higher productivity levels leading to higher income, enhanced livelihood, and resilience, and thus combat poverty and promote inclusive growth.

1.1 Background: NVQS-P Phase I

In its first phase (2015 – 2020), NVQS worked on enabling framework conditions, setting up base for an independent legal entity, building institutional and human capacities of existing NSTB, and strengthening and expanding existing service delivery across the nation. At the end of the phase, Government of Nepal (GoN) provided approval to prepare the details of National Qualifications Framework (NQF), its legal structure and necessary arrangements for the implementation of NQF. National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF) is an integral part of NQF. Accordingly, the detailing out of the approved NVQF has been the topmost priority of the Phase-II.

1.2 NVQS-P – Phase II

In the second phase (2020-2024), NVQS II aims to establish a National Vocational Qualification System (NVQS) that will enable Nepali youths to increase their employability. NVQS-P Phase II is the continuum of the Phase I (2015-2020) of the project which has made significant achievements by supporting the government such as the refinement, wider consensus, and finally approval of the National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF).

The project targets to develop a system that creates opportunities for all youths for testing, certification and recognition of their skills and competencies to enable them to enter national and international labour market for better employment opportunities. The project also focusses on further strengthening the key stakeholders of the technical and vocational education and training system, particularly, CTEVT and National Skill Testing Board (NSTB) as well as business associations through policy dialogue and capacity development for an emerging market-oriented skills development system at federal, provincial, and local levels.

Project Goal and Outcomes

The overall goal of the NVQS phase-II is to contribute to establish a National Vocational Qualifications System that will enable Nepali youth to increase their employability.

The outcomes of the project are specified as:

1. Certified Nepali youth, through National Vocational Qualifications System, gain employment in domestic and international markets.
2. CTEVT/NSTB on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) implement the National Vocational Qualification System in partnership with the private sector.
3. Provincial governments implement the vocational qualification system.

Project partner/s

On behalf of Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MoEST), Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), National Skills Testing Board (NSTB) is the implementing partner of the project.

2. Vacancy: Nepal Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS-P) – Phase II

Swisscontact invites applications from qualified candidates (Nepali citizens) for the position of Team Leader to implement the ongoing Phase II of NVQS Project.

See section 4 for the job descriptions.

3. Application Procedures

Interested candidates who meet the requirements for relevant position are requested to send their current CV (maximum four A4 pages) and a motivation letter to latest by 11:59 PM Nepal time on 4 June 2021, Friday. Along with the CV and the motivation letter, please send the duly filled in “Job Application Form”, which is available on our website (same address as above).

Please also mention Application for Team Leader in the subject line of your email.

Swisscontact Nepal will not entertain any phone enquiries or other such solicitations for these positions. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the selection process. Swisscontact Nepal reserves the right to reject any or all applications.
Swisscontact Nepal promotes workforce diversity and applies positive discrimination to candidates from discriminated groups (women, Dalit, Janajati, Madhesi/Terai and other minority communities).

4. Job Description

Position: Team Leader
Start of employment: 1 August 2021

Place of work: NVQS PSU Office, CTEVT Complex, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Reports to: Country Director, Swisscontact Nepal

Subordinates: National project personnel, medium and short-term experts

Key Responsibility

Responsible for spearheading overall state-of-the-art project implementation in accordance with the approved plan and budget, the vision, mission, and regulations of Swisscontact achieving utmost client satisfaction.

Main Tasks

Build and Manage Team

  • Place a strong team in place with appropriate skills to implement the NVQS project.
  • Lead hiring competent staffs and experts in the project and orient/train staffs who will be working to manage vocational qualifications system in Nepal.
  • Lead and manage entire project team at the federal and province levels of NVQS project to accomplish the client’s contract.
  • Conduct performance appraisals of the NVQS staff and apply corrective measures for nonperforming staff.
  • Liaise with international (Swiss and others) technical expert teams.
  • Liaise and facilitate multistakeholder dialogue for effective support to the project.

Oversee Project Management

  • Make sure the NVQS goals and objectives are properly and sufficiently communicated to the public and private stakeholders, actors, and beneficiaries in three tiers of the government.
  • Ensure adequate project management (planning-implementation-monitoring-evaluationcontrolling).
  • Ensure complete and timely project documentation at all times.
  • Prepare timely narrative and financial reporting according to the Swisscontact’s regulations and project contracts of donor and relevant sponsors, if any.
  • Prepare annual operational plans (yearly plans of operation) and budgets for the NVQS project.
  • Prepare reports related to the project as per the requirements of the client, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Nepal and Swisscontact.
  • Ensure effective financial management, budgeting, internal control, and external audit of the project.
  • Approve procurement of goods and services related to the project.
  • Approve all expenses related to the project.

Oversee Capacity Building Process

  • Provide excellent support to the National Skill Testing Board (NSTB)/Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) for NVQS related matters and building capacity of their staffs accordingly and as per the need.
  • Ensure adequate capacity of the project staff.
  • Advise and support partner organizations in their organizational development, capacity building and the development of new products.

Networking and Representation

  • Liaise regularly and as required with the client, SDC Nepal.
  • Represent Swisscontact, as required in donor environment.
  • Participate in all meetings (such as Project Steering Committee, Project Advisory Committee) as mandated by the requirements of the project.
  •  Maintain excellent relations with officials at the federal level such as Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and other relevant ministries at federal level; NSTB/CTEVT; and wider stakeholders (from private and public sectors).
  • Maintain excellent relations with the government officials at provincial levels such as Ministry of Social Development and other relevant ministries at Province, officials at the municipalities and wider stakeholders from public and private sectors in the province and in local levels.

Additional tasks:

  • Encourage innovations in program by the development of new products that can be replicated within the region.
  • Oversee knowledge management and capitalisation.
  • Adhere to the communication guidelines of the client, the SDC, while making communication at national and international level.

Qualification and experience:

The incumbent must have the following qualifications and expertise.

  • Master’s degree in relevant field (Education/TVET/Workforce education/Management/Business Studies/Development Studies).
  • Minimum of ten years of work experience in project / program management or administering national and /or regional TVET Programmes and team (including at least four years of management experience in relevant field i.e. development cooperation and/or, TVET sector programs).
  • International experience in facilitating policy dialogue and collaboration between national and international organisations in the field of TVET system development /Vocational Qualifications System management is preferable.
  • Ability and willingness to lead a team that will deliver high quality outputs within deadlines in a dynamic and fast-paced work environment.
  • Experience in facilitating policy dialogue and collaboration between national and international organisations; federal, provincial, and local governments to ensure smooth management, organisation development and implementation process.
  • Experiences and aware of the Nepali TVET system and ongoing reform initiatives in Nepal and elsewhere.
  • Advanced communication skill in both English and Nepali (verbal and written).
  • Proficiency in MS Office work and Internet use and project management tools.
  •  Knowledge and work experience in the implementation of Quality Assurance System
  • Willingness and ability to travel within and outside Nepal.

More Information and Application Details

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