Job Vacancy In Aasaman Nepal,Job Vacancy For Nutrition and WASH Officer, 565 views0 applications

Aasaman Nepal


ASN is implementing the multisectoral project titled Building Resilience and Nutrition Security in the Kamala River Basin, Siraha District, in three municipalities namely Siraha, Kalyanpur and Karjanha Municipalities. The overall objective of the project is to improve food and nutrition security and enhanced climate resilience of three targeted municipalities in the catchment area of Kamala River, Siraha District in Nepal.  The Aasaman Nepal is looking for the self-motivated, result oriented and hard-working Nepali citizen for the following position:

Position: Nutrition and WASH Officer – One

The position is based on the working Municipality of Siraha district with frequent field visit. The position directly reports to the Project Coordinator.

Duty station and key responsibilities:

The position is based on the working Municipalities of Siraha district with frequent field visit and will report directly to project coordinator and includes multiple exposure possibilities.

Project planning and implementation 

  • Play proactive role planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of Nutrition and WASH promotion activities project in close guidance of the project coordinator.
  • Lead the nutrition and WASH related assessment by the project in close coordination with the Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Officer (MEAL) and Project coordinator.
  • Lead the project DIP preparation, Monthly plan and contingency planning of the Nutrition and WASH promotion interventions.
  • Lead the targeting of the LANN+ group beneficiaries in close coordination with the MEAL and Project coordinator.
  • Capacitate the social mobilizer (CNF) on LANN+, Positive Deviance (PD), Screening, Nutrition Education Rehabilitation Programme (NERP) and other project key instruments.
  • Lead the mass screening process of 6-59 months’ children with involvement of the municipality and guiding the social mobilizer (CNF), in close consultation with the project coordinator.
  • Lead the NERP operation with the involvement of municipality and guiding the social mobilizer (CNF), in close consultation with the project coordinator.
  • Lead the LANN+ operation with the involvement of FCHV and guiding the social mobilizer (CNF), in close consultation with the project coordinator.
  • Mobilize SM/CA and capacitate on them to perform the timely execution of the project activities.
  • Train the municipality officials on project nutrition instruments.
  • Conduct trainings as per the requirement of project and facilitate in organizing field visits and monitoring visits by local government, international visitors and stakeholders.
  • Support project coordinator in planning and conducting relevant meetings, workshops, and trainings.
  • Maintain good working relation at working municipality and work closely with them to demonstrate a nutrition sensitive tools and approaches and advocate in incorporation of best practices into local government work plan/policy.
  • Maintain a close coordination with WHH and its working partners in the project sites/district and local government and other relevant stakeholders for the smooth implementation of the project.
  • Communicate regularly with PC and other technical officers of Agriculture, Advocacy for the synergistic implementation of field level activities.
  • Provide necessary technical expertise in nutrition and WASH component in the wad and Municipality.
  • Prepare the proposals/concept note of the activities and forward PC for its approval process.
  • Monitor the work of social mobilizer (CBNF) and guide them in conducting project activities.
  • Support the PC, MEAL Officers on compiling the Nutrition profile of the municipalities.
  • Support the PC, MEAL Officers on analyzing the nutrition data generated for evidence generation.
  • Collect field data; compile and analyze as per the requirement.
  • Contribute to develop the monitoring tools and checklists.
  • Support PC in writing monthly, quarterly and annual reports along with result-based case story and documenting lesson learnt for evidence-based advocacy at local level.

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree (Masters preferred) on Nutrition, Public health, or relevant fields with 3 years of working experience in relevant field.
  • Demonstrable experience on Nutrition and WASH promotion sector.
  • Experience of working with community as well as with local government.
  • Self-motivated and have a good learning attitude.
  • Good communication skills in English, Nepali and Maithili languages. Fluency in Maithili language will be a plus point.
  • A valid license of two-wheeler is must.

Other Attributes for position: Excellent quality of work and commitment to high standards, strong communication skills, team building and willingness and motivated for good service delivery with strong networking and interpersonal skills and comfortable to work under stress and emergencies.

Position: Enterprises Development Officer – One

The position is based on the working Municipality of Siraha district with frequent field visit. The position directly reports to Project Coordinator.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Contribute to identify potential trade for off farm entrepreneurship development in consultation with target groups
  • Plan, implement the SIYB (Start and Improve Your Business) training to project staffs, cooperatives officials, local level facilitators and beneficiaries as a resource person.
  • Support, revise and update the business plans of the entrepreneurs.
  • Support linking the entrepreneurs with the vocational training providers, input suppliers and markets.
  • Support selecting the cooperatives for revolving fund mobilized entrepreneur development.
  • Assist the Agriculture Officers for startup support need planning, revising and implementation for entrepreneurs.
  • Continuously guide the cooperative for selection of the entrepreneurs, monitoring plan preparation and cooperative capacity building need assessment.
  • Guide the entrepreneurs and cooperatives for accessing the additional capacity building and other support from stakeholders.
  • Support accessing the public and private land for starting leasehold farming.
  • Ensure cross-cutting issues such as gender and inclusion mainstreamed throughout the project cycle

Qualification and Experience Required 

  • Should have at least Bachelor level degree from the recognized institution.
  • Should have progressive experience on SIYB training, Cooperative facilitation, business plan preparation and pro-poor enterprise development.
  • Strong report writing (computer typing) and communication skills
  • Open and believes in teamwork.
  • Good understanding of Maithali languages would add value.
  • 2-wheeler license is must.

Languages: Strong command of Nepali, English (oral and written) and local language such as Maithili is preferred/required.

Aasaman Nepal has zero tolerance of abuse and exploitation of vulnerable people. We expect all our employees/volunteers to ensure we are protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm and abide by our safeguarding policy.

Other Attributes for all positions: Excellent quality of work and commitment to high standards, strong communication skills, team building and willingness and motivated for good service delivery with strong networking and interpersonal skills and comfortable to work under stress and emergencies.

Age Limit: Candidates between 21 years to 45 years are only eligible to apply for the above position, depending upon the nature of job they will carry.

All employees must adhere to child safeguarding in person’s provisions covered in the project agreement.

Monitor staff and partners’ and ensure adherence to Aasaman Nepal’s policies and internal procedures, protocols, Aasaman Nepal’s code of Conduct with special attention to Safeguarding Standards and Procedure, Case Handling Framework, Child Protection and Do No Harm Policies. Also, immediate reporting and redress of any complaints and issues based on its severity.

Local candidates able to communicate in Maithili language, from disadvantaged groups and inhabitants of the project districts will be given high priority.

Interested candidates are requested to submit their application filled by downloading the link below by 7 days i.e., 15/03/2023.

If candidates do not submit the provided organizational employment application form, their applications will be automatically dismissed.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for participation in the recruitment process. No telephone enquiry is entertained. ASN reserves the right to qualify/disqualify any applications without any reason.

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