Job Vacancy In Barbardiya Nagarpalika, Job Vacancy For Suveyor, 1035 views0 applications


Barbardiya Nagarpalika, Bardiya

Position: Surveyor

Level: Assistant Firth

Number of Vacancies: 2

Exam date and time: 2077/10/5, 12pm

Position: Amin

Level: Assistant Fourth

Number of Vacancies: 3

Exam date and time: 2077/10/5, 12pm

Position: Data Entry

Level: Assistant Firth

Number of Vacancies: 7

Exam date and time: 2077/10/6, 12pm

Position: Data Collector (Assistant Computer Operator)

Level: Assistant Fourth

Number of Vacancies: 3

Exam date and time: 2077/10/5, 12pm

Position: Social Mobilizer

Level: Assistant Fourth

Number of Vacancies: 3

Exam date and time: 2077/10/6, 12pm

Position: Field Helper (Napi)

Number of Vacancies: 3

Exam date and time: 2077/10/6, 12pm

Last date to apply: 16 January, 2021


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