Job Vacancy In CARE Nepal,Job Vacancy For Finance Assistant,

CARE Nepal


Finance Assistant

Responsibility Level/Grade: CO Staff
Department/Project/PN: Central Office
Work station: CO
Incumbent’s Name: To Be Determined
Supervisor/Principal Evaluator/Title: Finance Officer


The CO-based Finance Assistant will devote mostly his / her time to handling systematic filing of the financial records and Accounts payable (AP) module transactions. S/he will also be supervising Kathmandu-based outbound jobs like visiting banks and performing banking transactions, visiting Social Security Fund / Citizen Investment Trust / Inland Revenue Office and this position will support other colleagues in the finance and Program support department. In addition to these roles, the position will also be supporting finance colleagues in the project closeout activities. This position will also perform cash management functions, bank account maintenance as well as ASF maintenance. The employee shall fully comply with safety and security procedure of CARE and should be accountable for it.


R1. Documentation & Systematic Filling of the Financial Records

  • Systematic filling of all the CARE Letters (financial), vouchers, and other documents.
  • Provide the vouchers needed for the audit. Ensure they are properly put back after completion of the audit.
  • Maintain records of all cash received for settlement and deposit it into the bank accounts accordingly. • Assist in managing day-to-day financial records.
  • Assist in daily banking transactions.
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by the finance department.
  • Assist in TAX, NLK, and SSF deposits.
  •  Collect original VAT invoices from the program team and vendors and prepare a VAT summary sheet for submission to IRD.
  • Assist to digitalize the financial documents of CARE Nepal for successful closeout.
  • Assist in preparing checklist for financial closeout for CARE Nepal and collect information from finance, program, and partner’s team members as required

R2. Documents review, and data entry in PeopleSoft.

  • Quality review of a physical set of documents received in finance for payment processing. Record review comments; proceed further for clearing the doubts, policy alignment, and process completion with the help of seniors in the department as required. Setting tolerance limits and proceeds for payments or return the set of documents with recorded review notes and reasons to the concerned person/department to make the set of payment documents complete.
  • Record log of payment documents received and sent from finance.
  • Prioritizing the payment documents to ensure no fines or penalties are incurred by the mission. Giving priority to an urgent and important task and keeping a balance between priority works and clearance of payment processing in daily batch.

R3. Facilitate staff to open/close bank/ CIT/SSF accounts.

  • Facilitating account opening of new staff in banks, SSF, and CIT.
  •  Facilitate staff to close their CIT/SSF account at the time of separation.
  • Preparing a tax clearance letter and other letters as required by the Staff.
  • Dealing CIT and SSF deposit of staff.

R4. Tax Management

  •  Recording of cash deposits and donor deposits.
  • Upload tax records to the online system of the Inland Revenue Department (ETDS).
  •  Cheque preparation and timely depositing of taxes and collecting the reimbursements/refunds of VAT etc.

R5. Supervising finance secretarial work

  • Work as a custodian of all finance vouchers generated in CO and develop a mechanism to track them easily so that documents requested by auditors can be easily retrievable and kept back in the same position after they are reviewed by the auditors.
  • Supervising letters preparation, filing, dispatching, voucher defacing, check distribution, providing vouchers to auditors, etc. done by Finance Intern / Trainee.
  • Perform other jobs and responsibilities assigned by the Supervisor/Head of the department.
  • Cheque preparation and timely deposit.
  • Custodian of cheque book and transfer letter.


Spending authority: NA

Working conditions
Based in CO with a focus on accounts payable, closeout procedures, and any other task assigned by the manager.


Qualifications and Experience

Bachelor degree in Management or a related field with a minimum of 2 years of practical experience in finance and accounts.

Knowledge Skills and Competencies

  • Good working knowledge of accounting.
  •  Knowledge of Nepal Tax laws and policies; proficiency in SSF / CIT / banking transactions.
  • Knowledge of internal control systems; compliances and the ability to look at volume pressure are required.
  • Communicating and influencing, attention to detail, objectivity, and integrity are required.
  • Knowledge and use of the accounting/financial system is a requirement.
  •  Effective communication skills with the ability to engage reasonably confident and accurate manner in English (written and speaking) are required.
  • Proactive and working in team.

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