Detailed Job Description / Requirements
दलित विकास समाज (डि.डि.एस.) सल्यान
कर्मचारी आवश्यकता सम्वन्धी सूचना
सूचना प्रकाशित मिति: २०७४/०३/१३ आवेदन दिने अन्तिम मिति: २०७४/०३/१९
दलित विकास समाज (DDS), सल्यान २०५८ सालमा स्थापना भएको मुनाफारहित एक गैर सरकारी संस्था हो । दलित, गरिब, महिला तथा बालबालिका, संकटासन्न र पिछडिएका विपन्न वर्गहरुको लागि स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा, आय आर्जन र क्षमता विकासमा सुधार गर्ने यस संस्थाको लक्ष्य रहेको छ । USAID को आर्थिक सहयोगमा संचालित कृषि, स्वास्थ्य तथा वैकल्पिक जीविकोपार्जन प्रवद्र्घन (PAHAL) कार्यक्रममा तपशिलका कर्मचारीहरुको आवश्यकता परेकोले यो सूचना प्रकाशित भएको मितिले ७ दिनभित्र तोकिए वमोजिमको शैक्षिक योग्यता तथा अनुभव पुगेका ईच्छुक व्यक्तिले निवेदन सहित आफनो व्यक्तिगत विवरण (CV) पेश गर्नका लागि दरखास्त आह्वान गरिन्छ । निवेदन यस संस्थाको कार्यालयमा निर्धारित समयभित्र आईपुग्ने गरि आफै उपस्थित भई वा ईमेल मार्फत पेश गर्न सकिने छ ।
पद: कार्यक्रम संयोजक (Program Coordinator) – एक जना
शैक्षिक योग्यता: समाजशास्त्र, कृषि, वन, वातावरण, प्राकृतिक श्रोत व्यवस्थापन वा अन्य सम्बन्धित बिषयमा स्नातक तह उतिर्ण भई कार्यक्रम संयोजकको रुपमा कार्यगत अनुभव भएको ।
आवश्यक कार्य दक्षता:
Program Implementation
- Identify the capacity building needs e.g. personal development and organizational needs, essential for the program.
- Provide support to the partner staff in enhancing their knowledge, capacity and awareness of Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate change adaptation including EWS, mainstreaming and related, Financial Services approaches, Livelihood, Economic Development (Market Analysis).
- Support partner to organize district, Local Level and community level events /workshops/trainings.
- Provide technical support to partner staff and beneficiary communities in carrying out PVCA, Market analysis and other DRR/CCA, Financial Services, Technical Education and Vocational Training related assessments as per program requirements.
- Coordinate with Govt Stakeholders at district level and local level as per required
- Utilize personal knowledge, connections and skills to build sustainable and productive relationships with and between diverse key stakeholders from the public, private and civic sectors.
- Excellent Computer Skills, and experience with team mobilization , time management, team Player, program understanding and oral & written English language.
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) and Reporting
- Facilitate the achievement by the PC and partner team members of performance-based targets and outcomes and support efforts to design effective, proactive, and iterative M&E systems.
- Ensure monitoring of field level activities within the district to be on time, target and budget, and propose recommendations for improvements.
- Organize DPAC monitoring visits and meetings to share program progress and receive feedback.
- Coordinate closely with Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning focal points to generate and collect required information and data in the process of measuring results of program intervention.
- Ensured for monthly/quarterly plan and report is submitted timely.
- Prepare periodic progress reports and documents capturing program learning’s and good practices.
- Ensure that innovative approaches, good practices, particular challenges, or good results are documented to support agency learning.
- Follow reporting requirements and report to donor through appropriate means as required.
- Establish good coordination with government and non-government stakeholders to prevent duplication of actions.
विशेष ग्राहयता: महिला, दलित, स्थानिय, अनुभव प्राप्त एवं कामप्रति प्रतिवद्ध व्यक्ति ।
परिक्षाको किसिम: संक्षिप्त सूचिमा परेकाहरुको लागि लिखित र मौखिक परिक्षा (लिखित परिक्षा कम्प्युटरवाट लिईनेछ ।)
विशेष ग्राहयताः महिला, दलित, स्थानिय, अनुभव प्राप्त एवं कामप्रति प्रतिवद्ध व्यक्ति ।
परिक्षाको किसिमः संक्षिप्त सूचिमा परेकाहरुको लागि लिखित र मौखिक परिक्षा ।
सम्पर्क ठेगाना
दलित विकास समाज (DDS), सल्यान
फोन: ०८८–५२००५१, ५२०३७७
E-mail: [email protected]