Job Vacancy In Development Project Service Centre (DEPROSC-Nepal),Job Vacancy For ,

Development Project Service Centre (DEPROSC-Nepal)



Development Project Service Centre (DEPROSC-Nepal), an NGO working on various thematic areas across the country invites applications for the following positions for the “Empowering Women Farmers with Digital Finance, Nepal” project supported by Practical Action to be implemented in the 8 Local Governments of Lumbini Province. This project is funded by Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA).

Project Area: Dangisaran and Shantinagar Municipalities (Dang district), Rumtigadi, Thawang, Pariwartan and Triveni Municipalities (Rolpa district), Bhume and Putha Uttarganga Municipalities (Rukum district).


Project Coordinator (1)

Project Coordinator (1), to be stationed at the Field Office in one of the working municipalities will be overall responsible to implement the project. The incumbent should be a Bachelor Degree holder in any discipline and have at least 7 years of experience in project/programme lead and execution in rural finance, women empowerment, financial/digital literacy.

Digital Finance Services Officer, (1)

Digital Finance Services Officer, (1), to be stationed at the Field Office in one of the working municipalities will be responsible to design and implement programmes related to digital financial literacy to empower women. The incumbent should be a Bachelor Degree holder in any discipline with at least 5 years of proven experience working in access to finance, digital finance, financial literacy and technical assistance to cooperatives development.

Programme Officer (M&E/GESI/Empowerment) (1)

Programme Officer (M&E/GESI/Empowerment) (1), to be stationed at the Field Office in one of the working municipalities will be responsible to design, facilitate, assist and implement women empowerment activities, and gender and social inclusion. The incumbent should be a Bachelor Degree holder in any discipline with at least 5 years of proven experience in executing economic empowerment of women, women’s agency building, market system development, GESI and M&E.

Accountant (1)

Accountant (1) to be stationed at the Field Office in one of the working municipalities will be responsible for accounting, record keeping, and administration and financial reporting. The incumbent must be a graduate in the management stream and have at least 3 years of proven experience of performing such responsibilities independently.

Please see the detail TORs attached.

Applications need to be reached at or DEPROSC-Nepal, P.O. Box 10953, Kathmandu within 7 days or 24 August, 2022 along with a covering letter, a photograph, updated curriculum vitae with two referees, and other credentials.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further selection process. The organization reserves the right to reject any/all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever. Women and candidates from disadvantaged communities are highly encouraged to apply. Canvassing or influencing will automatically cancel your application.

Recruitment Committee


TOR of Project Coordinator

  • Take the lead in developing Annual Operational Plan (AOP), other implementation tools, guide, supervise and orient field team,
  • Work closely with Program Director for timely implementation of field activities as per project document and AOP,
  • Coordinate with respective Palikas, organize meetings and obtain approvals as required,
    Coordinate with donor agency as per your mandate,
  • Look after office management, fund management, logistic management, monitoring and reporting,
  • Support DFSO and PO in developing modules, training and advocacy sessions and ensure their effective delivery,
  • Assist the team in conducting various surveys, studies and identifying gaps in access to finance and support DFSO to develop necessary training packages, campaign tools, ICT materials and facilitate in conducting such field activities like training, campaign, household dialogue etc.,
  • Maintain a database of beneficiaries of program districts,
  • Technically supervise DFSO and assist FIs and Cooperatives to develop appropriate financial products, introduce branchless banking, payment gateways, and overall operationalization digitization,
  • Guide and supervise DFSO in capacity building of cooperatives of policy review, accessing wholesale loan, business plan development, connect with digital platforms, leverage funding from FIs and local Palikas to build digital infrastructure and financial eco-system,
  • Interact with private sector actors to assess marketing opportunities for beneficiaries and develop DFS,
  • Manage to maintain project files for technical deliverables,
  • Provide information to ’Finance and Operation Manager’ on financial forecasts and recommend request for payment,
  • Supervise data collection for the database, and help program officer (M&E, GESI & empowerment) in maintaining and generating data,
  • Compile and analyze Palika-wise data, undergo data cleaning work and give feedback to Program Director,
  • Act as an administrative lead of program staff at field level by approving travel orders and travel reports and finalizing/endorsing field-level administrative documents,
  • Work proactively to create enabling environment for the provision of digital financing,
  • Contribute to capture and disseminating information on project activities, outcomes, best practices, and lessons learned including success stories,
  • Perform any other tasks as assigned by your supervisor.

TOR of Digital Financial Services Officer (DFSO)

  • Assist the Project Coordinator and the team to develop annual action plan, SOPs and other guiding documents like beneficiaries’ selection criteria, digital champions selection criteria, beneficiaries’ coverage plan etc.
  • Coordinate with Financial Service Providers (FIs and Cooperatives), understand their gender perspectives, trace out gender barriers to access to financial services and facilitate for developing gender-sensitive products,
  • Take lead in executing various awareness raising approaches/programmes to execute like financial literacy through digital champions, school to home model for DFL, organize campaigns,
  • Take lead or participate in local surveys, collecting information, identifying gaps, develop financial literacy content, help in developing FL modules, develop a delivery plan, facilitate to execute the FL sessions and monitor,
  • Provide facilitation and technical backstopping in capacity building of cooperatives for policy review, accessing a wholesale loan, business plan development, compliance, connecting with digital platforms, leverage funding from local Palikas to build digital infrastructure and financial eco-system,
  • Coordinate and provide technical backstopping to FIs and Cooperatives to develop appropriate financial products, introduce branchless banking, payment gateways, performance indicators, and overall operation digitization,
  • Coordinate and facilitate for creating enabling environment for provision of digital financing,
  • Work closely and advise the Program Director and Program Coordinator on integration of appropriate access to finance interventions into project activities,
  • Identify the information need in the project, develop information collection tools, orient the team and ensure the quality collection of it, compute and furnish for the sake of meeting project activities,
  • Assist PC and the PD in developing appropriate ICTs and plan for dissemination,
  • Assist Training Manager in developing Digital Financial Training Module and work for its delivery,
  • Maintain a variety of training tools and modules intact to cover digital financial services requirements across different value chains,
  • Organize interaction with firms and farmers and suggest financial products and institutions suitable to them or serve as financial services facilitators at the local level,
  • Assess the possibilities of expansion of mobile banking, digitized financing, use of ICTs, linkages with remit companies etc.,
  • Coordinate with other donor-funded access to finance projects and activities for learning and leverages,
  • Participate and attend meetings, seminars and workshops at local level,
  • Perform any other activities for the success of program and as directed by your supervisor.

TOR of Programme Officer (M&E/GESI/Empowerment)

  • Assist the team in developing awareness raising activities in general and building women’s agency and household dialogue in particular for women farmers to access, demand, utilize and manage financial products and to transform women’s decision making to use DFS,
  • Assist the team in executing various awareness raising approaches/programmes to execute like financial literacy through digital champions, school to home model for DFL, organize campaigns,
  • Coordinate with Financial Service Providers (FIs and Cooperatives), understand their gender perspectives, trace out gender barriers to access to financial services and facilitate for developing gender-sensitive products,
  • Take lead in data collection database, tools development, mobilize field staffs, maintain data, compile and analyze Palika-wise data, maintain data quality and give feedback to Project Coordinator and Program Director,
  • Develop reporting formats, plan to collect periodic data, process and ensure periodic reporting,
  • Assist the Project Coordinator and the team to develop annual action plan, SOPs and other guiding documents like beneficiaries’ selection criteria, digital champions selection criteria, beneficiaries’ coverage plan etc.
  • Provide technical assistance or facilitate for the operation digitization and client protection,
  • Assist Training Manager in developing GESI sensitive Digital Financial Training Module and assist for its delivery,
  • Provide technical assistance while developing a variety of training tools and modules to cover digital financial services requirements across different value chains,
  • Perform any other activities for the success of program and as directed by your supervisor.

TOR of Account Officer

  • Prepare vouchers, keep all transactions up to date, maintain proper filing system and update information as per the project requirements,
  • Prepare monthly payroll and ensuring timely deposit/distribution to the concerned,
  • Reconcile all bank and cash accounts on monthly basis,
  • Deduct and ensure timely deposit of CIT, PF, TDS and other taxes as required,
  • Work with Central/Field/Palika personnel to update monthly accounting records and ensure the reporting on time,
  • Assist to prepare/provide finance related documents to auditor during the Internal, External and Donor Audit,
  • Strictly follow the accounting rules mentioned in the Administration and Finance Rules of DEPROSC, Practical Action including JOA and relevant Nepalese laws and regulation,
  • Prepare wire request and co-ordinate with the reporting officers at center for internal fund transfer to the field,
  • Submit monthly financial reports with original bills and Voucher to the center within the prescribed period,
  • Maintaining the HR record for all project staffs, coordinating the processing of personnel forms such as attendance, timesheets, leave records and entitlements to staffs,
  • Supervise and review preparation of report for vehicle log book, telephone log book, assets maintenance log book on monthly basis,
  • Follow the procurement procedures as mentioned in the guidelines,
  • Assist Province/District personnel in organizing and facilitating workshops, training and orientation programs,
  • Conduct the physical verification of all expendable and non- expendable items and supplies,
  • Conduct periodic monitoring of the Sattelite Office and facilitate in maintaining the office intact.
  • Supervise plan related to the security and safety of product, personnel and property of the office and submit required security reports in quarterly basis,
  • Monitor, Prepare and Update Inventory record book on timely basis,
  • Provide logistic support to the team,
  • Perform any other tasks for the success of program as assigned by the supervisor.

To apply for this job please visit

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