Job Vacancy In Dharan Sub Metropolitan City,Job Vacancy For Supervisor, 768 views1 applications


Advertisement number: 01/078/79


Level: Assistant 5th
Required number: 3
Minimum academic qualification: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Statistics or Population or Economics or Mathematics in any faculty from reputed university along with good computer knowledge.

Advertisement number: 02/078/79


Level: Assistant 4th
Required number: 26
Minimum academic qualification: Certificate level passed or equivalent in Statistics or Population or Economics or Mathematics in any faculty from reputed university along with good computer knowledge.

Service type: Contract (5 months)
Required documents: 3 PP size photo, copy of citizenship, transcript and copy of certificate revealing permanent address.
Age limit: 18-40 years
Selection type: Practical and interview
Form obtaining and submission place: Dharan Sub Metropolitan City, Administration branch
Application fee: Rs. 500 for supervisor position and Rs. 400 for Ganak.
Application deadline: 2078/09/29
Fee submission process: The examination fee has to be submitted to the revenue branch of Dharan Sub Metropolitan City along with the application.

Dharan Sub Metropolitan City
Dharan, Sunsari

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