Job Vacancy In Ganeshman Charnath Gaunpalika,Job Vacancy For Employment Coordinator, 692 views0 applications


Vacancy Code: 13/2077-78

Position: Employment Coordinator

Number of Vacancies: 1
Age: 21-45 years
Application Fee: 1000

Vacancy Code: 14/2077-78

Position: Technical Assistant

Number of Vacancies: 1
Age: 18-45 years
Application Fee: 400

Vacancy Code: 15/2077-78

Position: IT Officer

Number of Vacancies: 1
Age: 21-45 years
Application Fee: 400

Vacancy Code: 16/2077-78

Position: JTA (Agriculture)

Number of Vacancies: 1
Age: 18-45 years
Application Fee: 300

Vacancy Code: 17/2077-78

Position: Lab Assistant

Number of Vacancies: 1
Age: 18-45 years
Application Fee: 300

Ganeshman Charnath Gaunpalika
Birendra Bazar, Dhanusha

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