Job Vacancy In Global Digital, Job Vacancy For Senior Developer, 613 views14 applications

Development Lead (Senior Developer)

Global Digital


The Company Global Digital is part of an international company, Media Digital. Global Digital develops websites, applications and concepts for web and digital channels. The company is new and originates from Norway. For more information please visit our company URL, We need ambitious people who can join and contribute in making Global Digital the best workplace in Nepal. You, member of a new web family We need people who are passionate about web, and loves puzzling about challenges and new ideas to become innovative. You should have these qualities: • Impeccable English, both written and spoken • Creative • Independent • Positive • Flexible • Team oriented • Passion for web and technology • Structured and organized Your development qualities You should be eager to update yourself on the recent comings within technology and web. You enjoy testing out new stuff and take pride into what you produce as an employee. As we are in constant development, due to never ending development within technology, we search for people who are quick learners.


Looking for a challenging career with a web and media focused company, we are hiring!

Global Digital Nepal, established in mid of 2013, a part of one of the biggest Scandinavian media and web Development Company Group, is looking for a top notch Web Development Lead who can work in a team that works for Norwegian clients. Candidate should have at least bachelors degree, but preferably in computer science. We are willing to pay a top salary for the creative, independent, positive staff member, we do expect you to have a passion for growth and technology, be team oriented and be able to think outside the box.

You should have these qualities:

  • Impeccable English, both written and spoken.
  • Creative, Independent and Flexible.
  • Positive and Loyal to the company, colleagues and works.
  • Team oriented and willing to grow with the company.
  • Mobile first mindset.
  • Follow best practice, and reuse rather than reinvent.
  • Structured and self-organized,focused in creating good habits and  perseverance
  • Willing to work under supervision of CEO
  • Love and respect others

The candidate must have following abilities:

  • Good exposure in WordPress, PHP, HubSpot and Shopify
  • Proven knowledge in Handling clients and multiple projects at a time
  • Knows the best practices of Team Management
  • Has proven skill/experience working with foreigners
  • Focus on corporate culture, strategy, and delivery
  • Highly dedicated to practice techniques to perform x100
  • Hard working to deliver quality product and maintain project development time
  • Able to manage team remotely(until COVID situation remains same)
  • Ready to work beyond fixed office hours
  • Lead the team and also work as a senior developer

Now we have your attention, send us your details to: or and let us get together for a chat and see whether you can join our team. Preference will be given to candidates who have 5+ years’ experience. Only the candidates having spoken English above the average fluency are encouraged to apply for this position.

Company Benefits:

  • 5 working days.
  • Free brunch provided by the company(won’t apply until we work remotely)
  • Possibility to go abroad for training.
  • Flexible and friendly working environment.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Others will be explained during the interviews.
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