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Invitation of Bids for the Supply and Delivery of Steel Wire Ropes

Helvetas Nepal



Invitation of Bids

for the Supply and Delivery of Steel Wire Ropes

First date of publication: 03 December 2020

1.  On behalf of the Government of Switzerland, the Trail Bridge Support Unit (TBSU)/Helvetas Nepal, provides technical assistance to the Government of Nepal for implementation of trail bridge programme under the Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp). The Government of Switzerland intends to contribute part of its fund for procurement of steel wire ropes to respond to an urgent need to manage the deficit of the programme for this fiscal year 2019-20.

2.  Bids are invited from reputed manufacturers for the supply of Galvanized & Pre-stretched Steel Wire Ropes as per the prescribed specifications. Bid Documents may also be collected by the authorized agents of the manufacturers with authentic/valid authorization document. The size and quantity of steel wire ropes to be procured are:

Diameter (mm) No of reels Steel Wire Ropes (Meters)
13 10 50,000
40 10 10,000

3.   Bid document including specifications will be available in the web pages:

or by following the link below;

4.  The signed hard copy bid in a sealed envelope has to be submitted latest by 17 December 2020 before 1:00hrs at the following address:

The Country Director

Helvetas Nepal

Dhobighat-3, Lalitpur

GPO Box: 688, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: 977-1-5524925/26; Fax:977-1-5531109; e-mail:

5.  Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 1:30 on 17 December 2020 at the office as indicated in (4) above. Bids must be valid for a period of 45 days after the bid opening.

6.  The price must be quoted in US dollar (US$) exclusive of all taxes and duties payable inside Nepal. Price shall be quoted on Carriage and Insurance Paid (CIP) incoterm basis per meter of wire ropes for each size applicable for all destinations of various delivery points in Nepal.

7.  Each offer must be accompanied with bid bond equivalent to 2.5% of the total quoted amount in US$ in the form of bank guarantee or bank draft in favour of Helvetas Nepal from “A” class commercial bank based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Such guarantee must be valid for 90 days from the date of 17 December 2020.

8.  Helvetas Nepal reserves the right to accept or reject offer(s) partially or fully without assigning any reason whatsoever.

9.  Payment will be made in US$ through letter of credit (L/C) on favour of manufacturer in case of foreign manufacturer.

10.  The manufacturer shall deliver the goods within 30 days after opening of L/C. Time extension shall not be allowed.

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