Job Vacancy In KAICIID Almuni Network, Nepal,Job Vacancy For Call for Fellowship Application, 573 views0 applications

Call for Fellowship Application

KAICIID Almuni Network, Nepal


Call for Fellowship Application

IRD National Fellowship for Producing Next-Gen IRD Enablers

Applications are now open for the Interreligious Dialogue (IRD) National Fellowship to bring together 14 leaders, dialogue practitioners, and educators from different religious backgrounds like Bon, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Kirant Mandhum, Islam, Sikhism and so forth representing all seven provinces of Nepal for training in dialogue facilitation, intercultural communication, and promoting social cohesion by Nepali KAICIID Fellowship alumni. The Fellowship will be co-facilitated by Forum for Protection of Public Interest (Pro Public), Nepal Peacebuilding Initiative (NPI), and Policy, Advocacy, and Civic Engagement Collab (PACE Collab).

The Fellowship aims to connect these youth leaders to a network of an active community of interreligious dialogue practitioners in order to advocate for pro-existence and peace. The Fellowship also seeks to build network amongst institutions that train religious leaders so that interreligious dialogue can become a common feature of any religious training, whatever the religion might be.

Who are the Fellows?

The Fellows are a community of diverse religious leaders, educators, dialogue practitioners and social activists from Bon, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Kiraant, Muslim, Sikh and other backgrounds. This first cohort draws Fellows from all 7 provinces of Nepal.

What do the Fellows study?

IRD National Fellowship is a comprehensive KAICIID Fellows alumni-led 6-months long fellowship that gives participants the knowledge and the skills to tackle real-time issues associated with religious and cultural vulnerabilities and tensions in their communities. Split up into different modules, the programme offers training on a range of areas, including peacebuilding and conflict resolution, community transformation and reconciliation, mobilisation of partners and resources, and local project design and execution.

Throughout the trainings, Fellows visit diverse places of worship and learn deeply about the religions other than theirs. Set to commence in February 2023, the Fellowship also provides Fellows with small grants to implement small-scale grassrootsIRD projects in their communities as a part of the course. Such initiatives can include interfaith youth projects, trainings in interreligious/intercultural dialogue for future religious leaders, hate speech awareness campaigns, empowerment of women and underrepresented communities for religious leadership, etc. to name a few. After the programme has been completed, graduates become part of the National Fellowship Alumni Network: a growing community where Fellows continue to connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals across cohorts, provinces, religious, and cultural lines to develop and conduct grassroots work with initiatives that promote dialogue in their respective contexts.

Eligibility Criteria

This Fellowship is for religious leaders, dialogue practitioners, social activists and educators, with a proven ability of advancing interreligious dialogue in their institutions and/or communities.


  • Teaching at an institution that trains future religious leaders (i.e., Seminaries, Temples, and similar institutions); and/or dialogue practitioners, social activists with access to train at such institutions and communities
  • Preference for applicants who are below 40 years of age.
  • Willingness to learn and cooperate with religious leaders from different religious backgrounds.
  • Have working knowledge of English.

Ability to participate and commit to the whole duration of the Programme (6 months, online sessions, and 3 in-person trainings). For more information, please write us at or call us at 9851112563, 9841622287, or 9851103312.

Application deadline: 15 January 2023.


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