Job Vacancy In Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Ltd.,Job Vacancy For Operation Department, 497 views0 applications

Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Ltd.



Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited is amongst the leading National Level Development Bank committed to provide quality products and services to its valued customers with utmost courtesy and care. The Bank invites applications from career-oriented, qualified, energetic, self-motivated, and sales-oriented (within Bank’s Risk appetite) Nepalese citizens looking for performance-based careers in the following roles:

Job Positions – Level

1. Operation Department – Officer Level – 1 (Central Office)

– A minimum of 3 years of experience in Commercial or Development Banks in Operation Department.
– To ensure that there are no lapses in operating procedures applicable to various units and functions within the Bank.
– Control and periodically check operational risks and work flows. Review key operational risks and efficiency indicators to ensure health.
– Be responsible for regulatory compliance and ensure all practices within business and comply with risk and compliance procedures and processes.
– Implement branch expansion strategy as approved by the Bank.
– To ensure that service standards for all products are well defined and met and also provided with superior service in terms of turnaround time (TAT) and behavior of staff.

2. Digital Operation – Up to Senior Assistant Level – Few (Central Office)

– A minimum of 2 years of experience in Commercial or Development Banks in Digital Banking Department.
– Good knowledge of Core Banking System for interfacing digital platform.
– Knowledge of digital banking products like Mobile/Internet Banking, Cards, Payment Gateway etc.
– Monitoring the performance of digital assets and ensuring its functionality.
– Be able to analyze data to operational inefficiencies and devise solution.

3. Branch Manager – Junior Officer to Officer – Few (Inside & Outside Valley Branches)

– A minimum of 3 years of experience in Commercial or Development Banks in Credit Sales / Deposit Management, Trade Finance, and other Sales roles with a thorough understanding of Compliance & Risk.

4. Assistant Relationship Manager – Assistant to Supervisor – Few (Inside & Outside Valley Branches)

– A minimum of 2 years of experience in Commercial or Development Banks in Credit Sales / Deposit Management, Trade Finance, and other Sales roles with a thorough understanding of Compliance & Risk.

5. Contractual Staff – Few (Inside & Outside Valley Branches)

– A minimum of three months Internship at Bank and Financial Institutions.
– Any experience as a contract or outsourced staff in BFI’s in Business function shall be an added advantage.

Academic Qualification Criteria
– A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in Management/Economics for Assistant/ Officer Level.
– Contractual Employment: A Minimum of 50% in Bachelors(Management / Economics or related field).

Age Criteria
– Age not exceeding 35 years for Officer Level
– Age not exceeding 30 years for Assistant to Supervisor Level.
– Age not exceeding 28 years for Contractual staff.

Other Competencies
– Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
– Exceptional Analytical and Leadership skills.
– Ability to work well within a team and individually.
– Excellent written and verbal communication.
– Resourcefulness
– Strong analytical and research skills.
– Ability to possess critical thinking.
– Ability to take on challenges and meet deadlines.

Documentary evidence related to qualification and experience shall be sought from the shortlisted candidates.
The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever. Only candidates getting through initial screening will be contacted for the further selection process. Canvassing at any stage of the process shall lead to disqualification.

To Apply
Eligible interested candidates are requested to apply by logging on to the ‘Career‘ section of and Click View Vacant Positions’ and applying for the respective job as above. After filling up the requested information, click the ‘Submit’ button for submission of the application.

Application should be submitted on or before 23:00:00 hours, 29 September, 2022.

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