Job Vacancy In Ministry of Health, Population and Family Welfare,Job Vacancy For Medical Lab Technologist, 794 views0 applications


Advertisement number: 09/078-79

Position/level: Medical Lab Technologist (7th)

Required number: 1
Academic qualification: BMLT or equivalent
Job location: Pubic Health Laboratory, Lumbini Province

Advertisement number: 10/078-79

Position/level: Public Health Inspector/Surveillance Officer (Officer 7th)

Required number: 20
Academic qualification: Bachelors degree in Public Health
Job location: Arghakhanchi, Banke, Dang, Bardiya, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi West and various places of Pyuthan.

Advertisement number: 11/078-79

Position/level: Health Assistant (Assistant 5th)

Required number: 25
Academic qualification: Certificate level passed in General Medicine Science.
Job location: Arghakhanchi, Banke, Dang, Bardiya, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi West and various places of Pyuthan (22) and three borders Jamunaha, Belahiya and Krishnanagar (3).

Advertisement number: 12/078-79

Position/level: Laboratory Assistant (4th)

Required number: 25
Academic qualification: Minimum 15 months of training in Laboratory subject.
Job location: Arghakhanchi, Banke, Dang, Bardiya, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Nawalparasi West and various places of Pyuthan (22) and three borders Jamunaha, Belahiya and Krishnanagar (3).

Advertisement number: 13/078-79

Position/level: Health Assistant (Assistant 5th)

Required number: 3
Academic qualification: Certificate level passed in General Medicine Science.
Job location: State Dispatch Center, Butwal

Advertisement number: 14/078-79

Position/level: Staff Nurse (Assistant 5th)

Required number: 3
Academic qualification: Certificate level passed in Nursing.
Job location: State Dispatch Center, Butwal

Exam type: Interview
Exam Center: Health Directorate
Application fee: Rs. 400 for level 4th and 5th, Rs. 1000 for level 7th
Application fee submission: The original payment voucher deposited in the Rastriya Banijya Bank a/c no. 1000200010000, office code no.: 3700148015, revenue title no.: 14224 should be submitted along with the application.
Age: 18-35 years for male candidate and 18-40 years for female candidate.
Required documents: Bio-data, academic certificate, copy of citizenship, related experience certificate and copy of certificate registered in council.
For more application details and information:
Place to submit: Health Directorate, Butwal

Ministry of Health, Population and Family Welfare
Butwal, Lumbini Province


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