Job Vacancy In Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development,Job Vacancy For Engineer, 1133 views0 applications


Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development, Sudurpaschim Pradesh

Position: Engineer/Civil

Number of Vacancies: 10

Position: Engineer/Building and Architect

Number of Vacancies: 4

Position: Sub-Engineer/Civil

Number of Vacancies: 13

Position: Sub-Engineer/ Building and Architect

Number of Vacancies: 7

Position: Mechanical Supervisor/Senior Mechanics

Number of Vacancies: 2

Position: Lab Technician

Number of Vacancies: 2

Position: Water and Sanitation Technician

Number of Vacancies: 5

Salary: Rs. 37,870 (7th Level), Rs. 28,200 (5th Level)


Last date to apply: 2077/09/16

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