Job Vacancy In Mugum Karmarong Gaunpalika, Mugu,Job Vacancy For WASH Facilitator, 467 views0 applications

Mugum Karmarong Gaunpalika, Mugu



S.N.: 1
Advertisement no.: 03-079-080

Position: WASH Coordinator

No.: 1

S.N.: 2
Advertisement no.: 04-079-080

Position: Technical Facilitator

No.: 1

S.N.: 3
Advertisement no.: 05-079-080

Position: WASH Facilitator

No.: 1

1. Required minimum qualification and experience
1.1 Water Supply Cleanliness and Sanitation Coordinator:
a) Bachelor’s degree graduate in Rural development, sociology, commerce or related subject
b) Age: Not exceeding 18 to 45 years

1.2 Technical Facilitator:
a) Diploma level graduate in civil engineering
b) Age: Not exceeding 18 to 45 years

1.3 Water Supply Cleanliness and Sanitation Facilitator:
a) Certificate level graduate in Public Health and other related subject
b) Age: Not exceeding 18 to 45 years

2. Application submission location: Mugum Karmarong Gaunpalika, Pulu, Mugu
3. Application deadline: 2079/05/19
4. Application fee: Candidates should attach application fee voucher of Rs.1000/- for WASH Coordinator, Rs.500/- for Technical facilitator and Water Supply Cleanliness and Sanitation Facilitator paid at internal revenue account 4550100301010003 of gaunpalika.
5. Selection process: Shortlist, Written and oral
6. Documents to be attached: Self verified copies of documents:
a. Citizenship
b. Character certificate
c. Experience documents related to work
d. Minimum qualification transcript certificate
e. 2 pp size photo
f. Training certificate related to work

7. Other: Candidates can submit their application to email address too: Work related details can be viewed at

Mugum Karmarong Gaunpalika
Pulu, Mugu
Karnali Pradesh, Nepal
Telephone no.: 9858322737

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