Job Vacancy In Nepal Health Sector Support Programme (NHSSP),Job Vacancy For Capacity Building Advisor, 869 views1 applications


Organization: Nepal Health Sector Support Programme (NHSSP)


Nepal Health Sector Support Programme (NHSSP) is a technical assistance programme to the Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), funded with UKaid. The programme is a technical component of the UK’s support to the MoHP under the Nepal Health Sector Programme-3. It is designed to support the goals of Nepal Health Sector Strategy (2015/16-2020/21) and contribute to the MoHP’s efforts to provide quality health services leaving no-one behind.

The programme is running from April 2017 and has recently been extended until December 2022 to cover the overarching priorities of Health System Strengthening at Sub National Level. It is implemented by a consortium that is led by Options Consultancy Limited, with HERD International and Oxford Policy Management.
UKaid / NHSSP is seeking highly qualified professional to fil in the positions as listed below:-

Position: Capacity Building Advisor

Number of Vacancies: 1

Job Location: Kathmandu

The Capacity Building Advisor has the responsibility of providing technical assistance under the Leadership and Governance Thematic Area. The aim of the post is to provide effective technical inputs to the MoHP/Divisions and MoSD in the focal provinces, particularly in enhancing the capacity of planning processes, financial management and procurement processes of the MoHP, MoSD, Provincial Health Directorate, and the health section of local governments. The Capacity Building Advisor will work across a spectrum of activities across policy and planning support within MoHP and MoSD.
Specific technical delivery responsibility includes planning, providing technical input around annual planning processes; strategy and strengthening of policy and planning processes; co-ordinating capacity building activities alongside NHTC or other sub-national training centres; and supporting the L&G team. Financial management and capacity building within MoHP and other government departments and agencies. Support with procurement to build capacity and support planning and budgeting.

Cross-team responsibilities include contributing to the L&G team, supporting with bottom-up approaches in government and sharing information with partners and stakeholders.
The postholder will be required to work closely with other L&G staff to contribute to monthly targets and deliverables, alongside developing monthly and quarterly reports and workplans. NHSSP has a collaborative, ‘one team approach’ across thematic areas at a federal and sub national level to ensure consistency and quality of delivery and build relationships with MoHP, local government and other partners and stakeholders.


  • Bachelors degree in Business Administration/Public Financial management/Economics/Public Administration or other related field (minimum)
  • Significant and proven of experience (at least 7 years) in planning, budgeting, financial management and system development in the health sectors either in the government or non-government organisations
  • Knowledge of training and onsite coaching in uses of planning and financial management and system development.
  • Solid experience in planning and budgeting, governance, including best practice understanding , on health policy, planning, financing, procurement, budgeting and governance
  • Knowledge of monitoring/critical analysis of planning and budgeting
  • Knowledge of the health PFM and procurement systems in Nepal
  • Knowledge of Government Financial Management Information System (BMIS,LMBIS,AMIS,FMIS,DECS,TSA,RMIS,Sutra,TABUCS,CGAS,PAIS. eCAPP, eTSB, eGP)
  • Knowledge and experience of working closely with supporting / implementing large scale health programmes with measurable outcomes.
  • Deep understanding of the operations of the Govt of Nepal, MoHP and previous experience of working with planning and financial sector of government.
  • Understanding of provincial and local government functions
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Self-starter, able to work independently or as part of a team
  •  Critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Good planning and organising skills
  • Ability to make and articulate clear decisions
  • Strong internal and external communication and facilitation skills
  • Ability to collaborate and be a team worker
  • Excellent negotiation abilities
  • Commitment to equal opportunities
  • A commitment to the programme’s and NHSSP principles of Safeguarding, Do No Harm, and to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Applicants must have the right to live and to work in Nepal
  • Ability to travel within Nepal as required
  • Fluency in written and spoken English

Other information

  • Our organisation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and post holders to share this commitment.
  • We seek people who are pro-choice, energetic and enthusiastic about Options’ vision.
  • UK Aid / NHSSP is an equal opportunities employer and encourages candidates of all backgrounds to apply, including under-represented groups, specifically women and people with disabilities.
  • You must have the right to work in Nepal

Last date to apply: 21 January, 2021

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