Job Vacancy In Nepal Health Sector Support Programme,Job Vacancy For Structural Engineer, 379 views0 applications

Nepal Health Sector Support Programme


The Nepal Health Sector Support Programme 3 (NHSSP 3) had begun in March 2017 as the technical assistance (TA) component of FCDO’s Nepal Health Sector Programme 3 (NHSP3), and included two TA components, the General Health Technical Assistance (GHTA) to support the federal MoHP to deliver its Health Sector Strategy 2015-2022; and the Retrofitting and Health Infrastructure TA (RHITA) to MoHP and Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC) to support the retrofitting and rehabilitation of two priority hospitals in earthquake affected areas. A no-cost extension for the programme was confirmed recently, to provide support for the completion of retrofitting of the two public hospitals, and to enable essential components of health reform in the context of federalism. The no-cost extension is referred to as RHITA+ reflecting this dual purpose and will be delivered by Options UK.

Structural Engineer

Number of Vacancies: 1

Site Engineer Bhaktapur

Number of Vacancies: 1

Site Engineer WRH Pokhara

Number of Vacancies: 1

Governance and Accountability Lead

Number of Vacancies: 1

Public Financial Management Expert

Number of Vacancies: 1

Procurement Advisor

Number of Vacancies: 1

Quality and Care Lead

Number of Vacancies: 1

Coverage and Equity Advisor

Number of Vacancies: 1

M&E and Information System Advisor

Number of Vacancies: 1

Provincial Health Systems Strengthening Lead

Number of Vacancies: 1

Provincial Equity-Based Planning Co-ordinator

Number of Vacancies: 1

Provincial Quality and Coverage Co-ordinator

Number of Vacancies: 1

Interested applicants are requested to visit the link below to retrieve Job Descriptions and follow the application process. The closing date for application is 18th January 2023.

UKaid/NHSSP is an equal opportunities employer and encourages candidates of all backgrounds to apply, including under-represented groups, specifically women and people with disabilities.

Source: Kantipur Dainik, 6 January, 2023

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