Job Vacancy In NIC Asia,Job Vacancy For Branch Manager, 736 views0 applications



1. Branch Managers (Junior Officer / Officer / Senior Officer / Assistant Manager)

Province 1

Code: BMProv1 001
Required Number: Few

Province 2

Code: BMProv2 002
Required Number: Few

Bagmati Province

Code: BMProv3 003
 Required Number: Few

Gandaki Province

Code: BMProv4 004
Required Number: Few

Lumbini Province

Code: BMProv5 005
Required Number: Few

Karnali Province

Code: BMProv6 006
Required Number: Few

Sudurpashchim Province

Code: BMProv7 007
Required Number: Few

2. Operation / Service / Experience Managers (Senior Assistant / Supervisor / Junior Officer / Officer / Senior Officer)

Province 1

Code: EMProv1 011
Required Number: Few

Province 2

Code: EMProv2 012
Required Number: Few

Bagmati Province

Code: EMProv3 013
Required Number: Few

Gandaki Province

Code: EMProv4 014
Required Number: Few

Lumbini Province

Code: EMProv5 015
Required Number: Few

Karnali Province

Code: EMProv6 016
Required Number: Few

Sudurpashchim Province

Code: EMProv7 017
Required Number: Few

The position shall be responsible for overseeing the Bank’s administrative and Service/Experience support/operating activities and managing the workflow across various segments/functions. The candidates are expected to be proficient in implementation of prudent banking policies, practices and procedures in respective area of oversight.

3. Relationship Managers (Senior Assistant / Supervisor / Junior Officer / Officer / Senior officer)

Province 1

Code: RMProv1 018
Required Number: Few

Province 2

Code: RMProv2 019
Required Number: Few

Bagmati Province

Code: RMProv3 020
Required Number: Few

Gandaki Province

Code: RMProv4 021
Required Number: Few

Lumbini Province

Code: RMProv5 022
Required Number: Few

Karnali Province

Code: RMProv6 023
Required Number: Few

Sudurpashchim Province

Code: RMProv7 024
Required Number: Few

The candidates are expected to possess strong will-power, can do attitude and dynamic sales spirits and shall be responsible for robust business/relationship sourcing and management. The candidates should have ability to support branch manager in leading the branch by attaining marketing leadership position and in ensuring robust growth in portfolio profitability and customer base in generating new business/relationship/product/strategies. The candidates should have strong interpersonal skills and ability to build rapport with customers.

4. Chartered Accountants (Officer/ Senior Officer /Assistant Manager)

Required Number: Few
Location: Outside Valley
Code: CAOV 009
Location: Inside Valley
Code: CAIV 010

This position requires an ability to impeccably carry the Bank’s Brand and effectively act as Bank’s Brand Representative. The candidates are expected to possess excellent competitive, market, and product intelligence and be able to chalk out instrumental marketing plans, strategies, and roadmaps and ensure their effective implementation. The candidates should have abilities to train, nurture and groom team members and motivate the team for greater achievements and should pos¬sess an ability to lead the Branch towards achieving the set goals while enhancing customer experience.

5. Semi Qualified Chartered Accountants (Contractual Staff)

Internal Audit
Location: Kathmandu
Required Number: Few

The candidates for this job should be acquainted with overall banking including credit & operations functions. The Candidate must have attended final examination of Charted Accountancy for recognized institute. The candidates should possess knowledge of NRB Directives, prevailing laws applicable to financial sector & prevailing accounting standards. The Candidate is required to assist in developing an annual audit plan using an appropriate risk based methodology including any risks or control concerns identified by management.

The candidate must have completed the required article-ship as prescribed by the institute.

Eligibility Criteria for Assistant Manager

  • Proven experience with an excellent track record in leading, managing and inspiring a team of dynamic professionals.
  • At least 5 years of banking experience in domestic/ international banks or five years of experience in related filed.
  • Preferably Master’s Degree but not less than Bachelor’s Degree in Management/IT-Management, Engineering/Computer Science or related field.
  • Age not below 25 and not exceeding 50 years as of August 18, 2021.

Eligibility Criteria for Junior Officer / Officer / Senior Officer

  • Preferably Master’s Degree but not less than Bachelor’s Degree in Management/IT-Management, Engineering, Computer Science or related field.
  • At least three years of banking experience in related area.
  • Age not below 21 and not exceeding 40 years as of August 18, 2021.

Eligibility Criteria for Supervisor /Senior Assistant

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Management/IT-Management/Engineering/Computer Science or related field.
  • At least 2 years of Banking experience in a related area.
  • Age not below 18 and not exceeding 35 years as of August 18, 2021.

Eligibility Criteria for Chartered Accountant

  • The candidate should have completed Final Course of Chartered Accountancy from ICAN/ICAI.
  • Age not below 21 and not exceeding 40 years as of August 18, 2021.

The candidate needs to apply for a specific position and location as per their preference under the vacancy and multiple applications for the position at multiple locations is also allowed.

Documentary evidence related to qualification and experience shall be sought from the shortlisted candidates.
The Bank reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever. Canvassing at any stage of the process will lead to automatic disqualification.

Deadline to Apply: August 18, 2021

To Apply:

Log on to to know about other requirements and to apply.

Source: Himalayan Times, 4 August , 2021

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