Organization: Plan International Nepal
Position: Partner Support Specialist
Number of Vacancies: 1
Functional Area : Finance
Reports to : Finance Manager – Partner (Country Office)
Regional Manager – Surkhet
Location : Regional Office – Surkhet
Travel required : Plan International Nepal working provinces
Effective Date : 1st October 2020
Grade : D1
Type : Mid-level role with Fixed Term Employment for 2 years based in Regional Office- Surkhet
Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We strive for a just world, working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners in over 75 countries. Our programs are underpinned by a
core of defined values, including transparency and accountability, team collaboration, inclusion and integration, as well as the overall ambition to empower girls and young women as legacy.
Plan International has been working in Nepal since 1978 and developed a strong reputation as a respected development and humanitarian actor helping marginalised children, their families and communities to access their rights to health, education, economic security and
protection. Through the support of local partners, Plan International works in 24 districts in Nepal.
Plan International Nepal has a vision for 2030 as “an inclusive, just and safe society where all girls and young women enjoy their rights and live in freedom”. This is coupled with the ambition of taking action so that 100 million girls learn, lead, decide and thrive as “Girls and young
women in all of their diversity reach their full potential as equal and active citizens” by 2023. The country strategy is put into action through the implementation of three interrelated program areas defined as follows:
LEARN: the “Education and Skills and Opportunities for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (SOYEE)” program aims to assist vulnerable and excluded girls and young women in adapting and thriving in a changing climate;
LEAD AND DECIDE: the “Youth as Active Drivers of Change and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)” program aims to empower girls and young women in leading change, having control over their bodies and making informed decisions; and
THRIVE: the “Early Childhood Development (ECD), Child Protection and Child Poverty” program enhances vulnerable and excluded children, especially girls, to be valued and cared for without discrimination, fear and any forms of violence.
Plan international Nepal seeks candidates who practice feminist leadership, promote diversity, actively seek innovative solutions for problems, courageously and respectfully share their opinions and ideas, break down barriers and engender cross-department collaboration,
practice active listening, maintain confidentiality, build trust and are passionate about children’s rights and equality for girls.
The Partner Support Specialist is responsible for the financial management and associatedpartners’ capacity building of all partnerships in place.
S/he has two primary functions, i.e.:
• build the capacity of Plan’s implementing partners in relation to financial managementincluding budget, expenditure and reporting in order to develop and maintain areliable, efficient and effective financial system, with strong internal controls in place(this representing 60% of the role); and
• conduct audits on implementing partners through the course of the year (40% of therole).
S/he manages effective relationships and communicates appropriately with all key internaland external stakeholders to ensure effective work planning and effective and diligent coordination between all parties.
Internal and External interfaces
Functional Competencies
Improving partners financial internal control systems
• Develop a thorough understanding of the internal control mechanisms and financial &operational systems of implementing of each partners;
• Work with partners to prepare an action plan to address any identified gaps and areasof improvement in relation to finance and procurement with the aim of improvinginternal controls;
• Provide regular and frequent follow up and monitoring of partners for improvement asper the plan of action; and
• Work with partners to ensure submission all legal documents (registration, SWCaffiliation, PAN, Tax Exempt Certificate, and Audit Report), agreements, bank accountdetails, audit report and governance.
Financial advisory and guidance competencies
Partners’ financial capacity assessment
• Provides support in developing partners’ capacity for sound financial management:
• visiting the partners offices on a regular basis;
• reviewing and assessing partners existing financial managementsystem;
• Analysis of their strengths and weaknesses including gap identification;and
• preparing an action plan for financial capacity improvement includinginternal control systems;
• Closely coordinate with program team for review of partner’s financial performance asand when necessary;
• Assist partners in reviewing terms and conditions of partnership agreement to ensurecompliance;
• Provide training to partners on prevention and detection of fraud and corruption atleast once a year with coordinating finance Manager partner (CO);
• Provide coaching to partners as follow up of all training; and
• Assist partners with development of a capacity development plan for finance andoperations staff.
Partners’ financial proposals’ review in line with operational manual
• Ensure that partners have a clear understanding of availability of budget in PO in linewith operational manual/ CMT decision for thresh hold;
• Ensure that partners are able to assess their own budgets for accuracy and realisticfigures in line with CMT decision and agreed management strategy and connect themwith appropriate Plan staff for clarification or correction; and
• Coordinates with project manager, Regional team immediately if errors are identifiedand provides guidance for correction.
Partners Payment management
Responsible for:
• partners payment on time and in line with commercial arrangements;
• assists partners to ensure advance liquidation is done on time and thereare no overdue advance and the due balance is within the limit of Planpolicy
• Assists partners in reviewing their financial liquidation documents ensuring they complywith Plan International Nepal policies and procedures; and
• Undertakes regular audit reviews of the partners’ documentation to ensure compliancewith partnerships operational manuals.
Partnership data maintenance and reporting requirements
• Maintain timely and accurate records within the relevant database on partner’sfinancial information;
• Provide periodical reports to management on Partners Payment managementinstalment, payment report, overdue/ liquidation as well as commitment reports; and
• Provide monthly partnership related report to CO especially CMP report, partner’sbudget vs actual commitment and other partnership related reports by the first week ofthe following month.
Audit Support
• Lead ‘snapshot’ audits for partners;
• Lead compliance audits of partnership standard for Regional level partners;
• Lead compliance audits of operational manual including partnership policy, FinanceGuidelines, partnership agreement other relevant policies;
• Support to CO finance and grant team in undertaking Grants Audit;
• Support to CO team at the time of GA and statutory audit; and
• Provide correct information to auditor when and if required.
Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience
• ACCA/CPA accreditation;
• Minimum 4-5 years’ experience in auditing and accounting;
• Sound knowledge of financial management;
• Working understanding of supply chain management and procedures;
• Understanding of Government of Nepal financial regulations, including VAT and tax;
• Sound knowledge of Nepal Financial Reporting Standards, Control standards and risk management techniques;
• Sound knowledge in Internal control systems; and
• Understanding of the development sector, its operating and regulatory environment.
Skills Required
• Strategic planning (functional) and solution driven;
• Managing, motivating and ability to mentor and coach people;
• Strong listening skills;
• Critical thinking, analysis , reasoning & support in decision-making;
• Managing work relationships (internal/external);
• Communication skills: one to one & in groups, written & verbal, presentations andreports, in English, Nepali and relevant local languages;
• Preparation and management of budgets and assessment of financial implication inwork situations;
• Facilitation, negotiation and networking;
• Ability to represent the organisation at key external and internal events when required;and
• Ability to solve problems, handle setbacks and pressure.
• Based in Regional Office-West.
Low contact: No contact of very low frequency of interaction.
Say Yes ! To Keeping children and Young People Safe and Protected.
Last date to apply: 25 August 2020