Job Vacancy In Protech Nepal Employment Pvt. Ltd,Job Vacancy For Carpenter,Job Demand From Romania, 1371 views0 applications


Position: Carpenter

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)

Salary: Rs. 77,850

Position: Electrician (General)

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)

Salary: Rs. 77,850

Position: General Worker

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)

Salary: Rs. 65,873

Position: Mason (All-round)

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)

Salary: Rs. 77,850

Position: Painter

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)

Salary: Rs. 77,850

Position: Plumber

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)

Salary: Rs. 77,850

Position: Steel Fixer

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)

Salary: Rs. 77,850

Position: Welder

Number of Vacancies: 10 (Male)

Salary: Rs. 77,850

Interview: Kathmandu 2078 Magh 24 (7 February 2021)

Contact information:

Manpower : Protech Nepal Employment Pvt. Ltd.

Address : Gongabu-6, Kathmandu

Phone No. :  5906923, 4383923, 4386997

Source: Madhyanha National Daily, 31 January, 2022

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