Job Vacancy In Rajan Memorial School,Job Vacancy For +2pass, 522 views0 applications

Rajan Memorial School



Rajan Memorial School invites application for the following positions

S.N.: 1
Qualifications: +2, 2 years experience Montessori
Level: Pre-primary
Subject: English

S.N.: 2
Qualifications: Bachelors/2 yrs experience
Level: Primary
Subject: Nepali

S.N.: 3
Qualifications: Bachelors/2 yrs prior experience
Level: Lower Secondary
Subject: Social/Math

S.N.: 4
Qualifications: Masters/5 years experience
Level: Secondary
Subject: Nepali/Social/Math

Please send your CV along with a cover letter to by 21st of Baisakh, Contact No. 014356983

Source: Kantipur Daily, 27 April, 2022

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