Job Vacancy in S-Power BPE 7387 views26 applications

Job Description

S-Power BPE is looking for qualified, experienced, highly motivated and disciplined candidates for the following position:

Technician (For UPS/Inverter) KTM-10, Butwal-2, Birgunj-2. Birtamod-2, Pokhara-2

Telemarketing Executive (for UPS/Inverter) Kathmandu-10

Store Incharge (for UPS/Inverter) Kathmandu-2

Qualification: Minimum 3-5 yrs. experience for senior service engineering in UPS related field, Minimum 2-3 yrs. experience in in marketing, Store Incharge in UPS related field. preferance will be give to Local

How To Apply

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E-power BPE (P.) Ltd., Kalanki, Kathmandu-14, Nepal,

Tel: 01.4301451, 9801055617, 9801055601

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