Job Vacancy In Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.,Job Vacancy For Senior Officer, 1399 views0 applications


Advertisement no.: 1/078/079

Position: Senior Officer, Officer, Junior Officer, Management Trainee

Level: Officer
No. of vacancy: Few

Advertisement no.: 2/078/079

Position: Branch Manager

Level: Officer/Assistant
No. of vacancy: Few

Advertisement no.: 3/078/079

Position: Senior Assistant, Assistant, Junior Assistant, Trainee

Level: Assistant
No. of vacancy: Few

Interested candidates are requested to submit their application within 2078/12/03 during office hours.

Age limit: Not exceeding 18 to 45 years for officer level and not exceeding 40 years for other level and additional 5 years for female candidates.

Exam type: Written or interview or both

Experience: Bachelor’s degree graduate with 5 years of experience in bank and financial institution for officer level, certificate level (intermediate) graduate with 3 years of experience for assistant level and no need of experience for management trainee and trainee.

Application submission location: Central office of Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha, Malangawa or at

Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.
Central Office, Sarlahi

Source: Aarthik Abhiyan Daily, March 3, 2022

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