Job Vacancy In Samajik Multipurpose Cooperative Limited,Job Vacancy For Receptionist, 1022 views0 applications


Position: Administration Head

Number of Vacancies: 1
Qualification: Post Graduate
Experience: 3-5 years

Position: Accountant

Number of Vacancies: 1
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree
Experience: 2-4 years

Position: Credit Officer

Number of Vacancies: 1
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree
Experience: 2-3 years

Position: Market officer

Number of Vacancies: 1
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree
Experience: 2-3 years

Position: Assistant Officer (Market/Credit)

Number of Vacancies: 1+1
Qualification: +2 or Bachelor’s Degree
Experience: Priority will be given to experienced

Position: Cashier

Number of Vacancies: 2
Qualification: +2 or Bachelor’s Degree
Experience: Priority will be given to experienced

Position: Receptionist

Number of Vacancies: 2
Qualification: +2 or Bachelor’s Degree
Experience: Priority will be given to experienced

Position: Market Representative

Number of Vacancies: 20
Qualification: SEE or +2
Experience: Priority will be given to experienced

Required Documents:

  • Updated CV
  • Copy of PP size Photo
  • Copy of Nepali Citizenship
  • Copy of Educational Certificate

Salary And Service: As per the organization’s rule.

Central Office: Samajik Multipurpose Cooperative Limited
Suryabinayak-5, Ghalate
Contact No.: 01-5708081, 01-5708082, 9851035244, 9860570067

Note: Special preference will be given to local  candidates with experience in related field and having vehicle.

Source: Kantipur daily, 04 March 2021

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