Job Vacancy In Sanjen Khola Hydropower Project,Job Vacancy For Assistant , 1027 views0 applications


Position: Assistant of the site Manager for Earth Works

Number of Vacancies: 10
Qualification: Diploma in Engineering in Civil & at least 5 years’ experience

Position: Assistant of the Site Manager for Powerhouse in Civil Works

Number of Vacancies: 8
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering & at least 5 years’ wok experience

Position: Assistant of the Site Manager for Structure Works

Number of Vacancies: 15
Qualification: Diploma in Engineering in Civil & at least 3 years’ work experience

Position: Assistant for the QA/QC Manager for the Civil Works

Number of Vacancies: 5
Qualification: Diploma in Engineering in Civil & at least 3 years’ work experience

Position: Measurement Engineer

Number of Vacancies: 3
Qualification: Minimum BE & at least 5 years’ work experience

Position: Assistant of the Site Manager for HW (Stand Flushing & Water Lowering Equipment)

Number of Vacancies: 10
Qualification: Diploma in Engineering in Mechanical & at least 3 years’ work experience

Position: Assistant for Site Manager for HW ( Spillway gate, steel penstock others)

Number of Vacancies: 5
Qualification: Diploma in Engineering in Mechanical & at least 2 years’ work experience

Position: Assistant of the Site Manager for HW (Stand Flushing & Water Lowering Equipment)

Number of Vacancies: 10
Qualification: Diploma in Engineering in Mechanical & at least 2 years’ work experience

Position: Assistant for Site Manager for HW ( Spillway gate, steel penstock others)

Number of Vacancies: 10
Qualification: Minimum Diploma of Engineering in Mechanical & at least 3 years’ work experience

Position: Assistant for Site Manager

Number of Vacancies: 8
Qualification: Minimum BBS/BBA & at least 5 years’ work experience

Position: Assistant to Measurement Manager

Number of Vacancies: 3
Qualification: BE & at least 3 years’ work experience

Required Documents: Related all documents.

Contact Address:
Sanjen Khola Hydropower Project (78 M.W)
Sanepa-4, Lalitpur, Nepal

Source: Rajdhani Daily, 1 April 2021

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