Job Vacancy In Saruma Bardali Restaurant,Job Vacancy For Manager, 523 views0 applications

Saruma Bardali Restaurant



S.No.: 1

Position: Manager

No.: 1

S.No.: 2

Position: Head Chef

No.: 1

S.No.: 3

Position: Helper + Dish Washer

No.: 2

S.No.: 4

Position: Bartender

No.: 1

S.No.: 5

Position: Barista

No.: 2

S.No.: 6

Position: Cook

No.: 2

S.No.: 7

Position: Waiter Captain Cashier

No.: 2

S.No.: 8

Position: Senior Waiter

No.: 2

S.No.: 9

Position: Waiter

No.: 2

S.No.: 10

Position: Accountant

No.: 1

S.No.: 11

Position: Housekeeping

No.: 1

S.No.: 12

Position: Security

No.: 1

Special preference to female candidates.

2 Years experience in related work
Interview: 2079/06/09

Saruma Bardali Restaurant
Pokhara-8, Sabhagriha (With Midtown)
Phone: 9856010939, 9846144338

Note: Candidates should bring biodata with documents compulsorily while coming for interview.

Source: Adarsha Samaj National Daily, 22 September, 2022

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