Job Vacancy In Shree Samudayik Multipurpose Cooperative Limited,Job Vacancy For Assistant, 688 views0 applications


Advertisement number: 2/078/079


Required number: 1
Level: 4th
Minimum academic qualification: Certificate level or 10+2
Age: 18-35 years
Service type: Contract
Application medium: Direct in person
Application fee: Rs. 500
Special acceptance: Proficient in Computer (Word, Excel, Email, Internet), two wheeler license holder, able to keep accounts on computer and experienced in related field are highly preferred.
Required documents: Copy of transcript, citizenship, bio data and 1 PP size photo.
Application deadline: 2078/09/15

Shree Samudayik Multipurpose Cooperative Limited
Butwal Milanchowk
Phone number: 071-538780, 9857059674

Source: Mechikali Sandesh National Daily, 24th December

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