Job Vacancy In Shree Shikhar Saving and Credit Cooperative Ltd.,Job Vacancy For Receptionist, 1586 views0 applications


Company: Shree Shikhar Saving and Credit Cooperative Ltd.

Position: Manager

Number of Vacancies: 1

Qualification: +2 Pass

Position: Marketing Representative

Number of Vacancies: 3

Qualification: SEE Pass

Position: Taller

Number of Vacancies: 1

Qualification: +2 Pass

Position: Receptionist

Number of Vacancies: 1

Qualification: +2 Pass

Position: Office Helper

Number of Vacancies: 1

Qualification: Literate

Last date to apply: 2076 Falgun 23


Shree Shikhar Saving and Credit Cooperative Ltd.

Annapurana Gaupalika -1, Kaski

Phone No.: 9856005422, 9804144290, 9856029939, 9856033190

In today’s tough job market, you must do all that you can to stand out. Many times, job seekers make their first mistake by not properly completing the job application.

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