Job Vacancy In Social Service Centre (SOSEC) Nepal,Job Vacancy For Project Coordinator,



Social Service Centre (SOSEC) Nepal is working giving high priority and sensitivity on the right of women and children under the principle of integrated development approach to obtain right of women, children, Raute community and backwarded communities at Dailekh, Kalikot and Surkhet districts of Karnali province and Achham district of Sudurpaschim Province of Nepal in coordination and collaboration with different development partner organizations. The organization is also adopting zero tolerance policy on violence against women & children and corruption. Since 2018 SOSEC Nepal is implementing SACAR Project partnering with DCA Nepal at Aathabisa Municipality & Dullu Municipality, Dailekh and Panchadewal Binayak Municipality, Achham. For this, we seek application from competent and self-motivated Nepali citizen for the following positions. The position is based in Dailekh.

Position: Project Coordinator

Number of Vacancies: 1


  • Provide guidance and support to the project and its staffmembers in assessing the contextand needs; in planning and implementing interventions; and in monitoring and reporting.
  • Track budget vs expenses on monthly basis and develop corrective action plan if required and ensure its implementation.
  • Implement plan with the quality & budget as stipulated in the detail implementation plan and phased budget.
  • Contribute to the development of relations with counterparts (civil society organization, MGs, cooperatives and stakeholders) and work towards their strengthening through the Capacity and needs assessment of CBOs/CFUGs/LFUGs/MGs/CSOs and the field staffs in relation to organizing program interventions
  • Support the project staff members/coordinators to ensure the participation of marginalized groups/NGOs of women, young people and ethnic minorities in the civil society networks, Community Security Working Groups; and to engage them to participate in the resilient livelihoods, dialogue and advocacy on people-based security provision.
  • Support the organization and facilitation of events (dialogue meetings, workshops, training and seminars) with participation of CBOs/CFUGs/LFUGs/MGs/CSOs, project staff and the team.
  • Support and contribute to research undertaken by RLSFS project and SOSEC.
  • Together with the team, contribute to the monitoring of risks to the safety of team and the development of appropriate responses to manage them.
  • Take on other administrative tasks as assigned by the Project Coordinator, such as updating the database, taking minutes, translating documents and assisting with logistics for travel, etc.
  • Help develop appropriate advocacy strategies – in co-operation with district and local level institutions and the team.
  • Monitor and analyze the official and non-governmental debates on issues relevant to the project.
  • Share within the team the lessons and knowledge of thematic approaches, particularly experience on project modality, approach and interventions.
  • Assist in the fund raising part of the organization and for the organizational development.


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Forestry, Agriculture or related area of studies.
  • A good overview of good governance, sustainable livelihood, marketing, DRR and CCA issues, and an active interest in the workings of civil society networks;
  • A minimum of 2-year relevant work experience.
  • Good understanding/knowledge of the local context and sensitivities.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English essential
  • Analytical skills;
  • Good communication skills, written and oral;

Position: Enterprise Development Facilitator

Number of Vacancies: 1


  • Identify, prioritize and support communities to implement potential livelihood and marketing strategies considering marketing risks that are less sensitive to existing and potential hazards and resilient to markets.
  • Regular meeting organizes of MMC, HMC, farmers group, MGs and Nagarik Chhalfal Chautari and Groups as per needed.
  • Support MMC, HMC, Cooperatives, Agor-vets, Farmers, MGs for plan preparation and implementation. • Design, develop and provide necessary training for target communities, MMC, HMC, Cooperatives, market actors to develop skills and capacities for sustainable market development, marketing of vegetable farming/cash crop.
  • Coordinate with Local level government institution (ASC, LSC) and other agencies (Agro-vet, Cooperative, HMC, MMC, Collection Centre and market actors) for technical/financial inputs, collaboration and market promotion and development.
  • Support Project Coordinator and project team in organizing training, and other events.
  • Establish and strengthen saving and credits, emergency fund and other mechanisms in the Cooperatives and communities,
  • Support communities and beneficiaries with necessary tools, kits and materials to initiate enterprises as envisioned by the project plan.
  • Facilitate groups, farmers, agro-vets, cooperatives, collection centres, MMC and HMC for business plan and MoU preparation and conduction.
  • Assist and lead as and when necessary for livelihood improvement planning at community and municipality level
  • Support formation of farmers group, MGs at community, ward and Municipality/VDC level
  • Organize seasonal training for market actors as per need and coordinate district level as well outside district market actor
  • Prepare periodic, technical reports of the assigned responsibility submit to the Project Coordinator and share them with other relevant entities such as project steering committee members as and when necessary.


  • 10+2 or related area of studies.
  • A good overview of good governance, sustainable livelihood, marketing, DRR and CCA issues, and an active interest in the workings of civil society networks;
  • 10+2 minimum of 4-year relevant work experience or Bachlar or above minimum of 2 -year relevant work experience.
  • Good understanding/knowledge of the local context and sensitivities.
  • Analytical skills;
  • Good communication skills, written and oral;

Types of Exam: Written and Interview
Publication of Short list: 9 th Feb, 2021
Date of Exam: Conformed after Shortlist for Shortlisted Candidates only.
Service & Facilities: As per Organization’s rules and regulation

Interested candidates are requested to submit their cover letter along with updated CV, photocopies of citizenship and qualification by 8 th Feb, 2021 at SOSEC’s head office Dailekh or Email in Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process. Any kind of external influence will automatically disqualify the candidate. All rights related with recruitment process will be held by recruitment committee.

Telephone enquiries will not be entertained.

Women, Dalit and marginalized community candidates are encouraged to apply.

For more details
Social Service Centre (SOSEC) Nepal Dailekh
Phone no: 089-410096/410187
Fax no: 089-410093
Visit website:

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