Personal Care Assistant- Child Care 1203 views0 applications

JOB VACANCYAt:11 S Black Lion Ln, Hammersmith, London W6 9TJ, UK
My name is Mr Farrel Banks ,We are British family and we are looking to hire domestic helpers ( E.g ) nanny, house keeper , chef, and a well experienced driver in our home.Applicant must be able to speak good English and 1 yr experience in a similar role and completion of high school or equivalent education.
Salary: £4000 Monthly,Time5:30am-6pm
Note:Applicant must be willing to travel.Applicant must be willing to shoulder 50% travel cost.Applicant must be self neat and disciplinedBenefits: Meal and Accommodation will be Provided .Vacation Is Allowed Once a Year.

Apply by E-mail to: ,,or Call +44703 184 6858.

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     My name is Mr Farrel Banks ,We are British family and we are looking to hire domestic helpers in Our Home.

Thank You.
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