Project Coordinator – NGO Jobs – 10+2 Pass Can Apply 1102 views1 applications

Koshi Victim’s Society (KVS) Nepal is a non-governmental, non-profit making social organization established in May 2003 at Rajbiraj, Saptari. It is registered in District Administration Office, Saptari and is affiliated with Social Welfare Council (SWC). KVS is implementing Innovation Project-Climate shock responsive social protection system in Saptakoshi Municipality in partnership with DCA Nepal.

KVS-Saptari is seeking applications from potential candidates for the following position:

1. Position: Project Coordinator (PC)-1

Duration: 8 Months ( May to Dec. 2020)

Duty Station: Rajbiraj–Saptari with frequent travel to project sites (upstream and downstream Municipalities).

Job Summary:

Under the guidance of KVS and DCA Nepal and in close collaboration with Local government, Project Coordinator will support to Municipality to design and implement shock responsive social protection by integrating social protection and humanitarian assistance through cash programming, for an inclusive and faster targeted responses. He/She will be responsible to liaise with local government and other key stakeholders to ensure buy in the Shock responsive social protection and humanitarian cash transfer.

Qualification and Experience Requirement:

  • Should have master’s degree (three years of work experience) or Bachelor (five years of work experience) in social science/ agriculture/ natural resource management/Engineering
  • At least three years of experiences with NGO/INGO sector in the field of Climate Change Adaptation, Risk Reduction, Resilience, WASH and Agriculture
  • Strong skills in reporting writing, coordination, networking and communication with government and concerned stakeholders

2. Position: Social Mobilizer (SM)-1

Duration:  8 Months (May to Dec. 2020)

Duty Station: Rajbiraj with frequent travel to field.

Job Summary:

Social mobilizer is responsible for mobilizing the community through dialogue, awareness raising and using participatory tools to identify causes of local problems and their solutions focused on disaster preparedness and response, climate change and building resilient community. He/she also support to facilitate meeting, organizing mobilizing community, collection and dissemination of information between communities, ORGANIZATION project staff and stakeholders.

Qualification and Experience Requirement:

  • +2 with 2 years of work experiences in social mobilization/ disaster risk management

Applying Procedure

Interested candidates are requested to apply to the position through email: by 11 May 2020. No phone call will be entertained. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for the further selection process.

(Candidates from Female, Dalit, indigenous and excluded group are highly encouraged)

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