Saudi Arabia – Gulf Jobs 1889 views0 applications


Position: Continental Cook

Number of Vacancies: 10

Salary Rs. 54,305

Position: Pizza & Pasta Maker

Number of Vacancies: 5

Salary Rs. 54,305

Position: Sushil Chef (Japanese Cook)

Number of Vacancies: 5

Salary Rs. 90,510

Position: Continental Sushi Chef

Number of Vacancies: 1

Salary Rs. 120,680

Position: Continental Chef De party

Number of Vacancies: 9

Salary Rs. 75,425

Position: Waiter

Number of Vacancies: 20

Salary Rs. 39,220

Position: Room Boy

Number of Vacancies: 8

Salary Rs. 36,205

Position: Cleaners

Number of Vacancies: 4

Salary Rs. 30,170

Position: General Cook

Number of Vacancies: 3

Salary Rs. 45,255


Final Interview: 2075 Falgun 26 & 27 (10 & 12 March 2019) 
Please contact manpower company below for further information:

Manpower: Life Line Overseas Pvt. Ltd.

Address: Gongabu, Kathmandu

Phone No.: 4364865, 4389522, 4389188, 4386141

Mobile: 9851002976, 9851017534, 9851180954, 9851002265, 9848128255
This job was published in Kantipur Dainik on 6 March 2019

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