Security Guard UAE – Salary 2022 AED + Benefits 3342 views1 applications

Reputed company Al Najma Al Fareeda International Security (LLC)  from UAE is looking for Security Guards. Approval is ready so Candidates will be required to fly within 10 days of successfully completing the Interview process.

Candidates are also requested to verify the LT Number with the official website of Department of Foreign Employment.

Security Guard Job Demand From UAE.

Company: Al Najma Al Fareeda International Security (LLC)

Position: Security Guard

Number of Vacancies: 50

Salary Rs. 63,200


Pre-Interview: on going 
Final Interview: 2076 Asar 12 (27 June, 2019) 
Please contact manpower company below for further information:

Manpower: Al Zarafa Human Resource Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

Address: Gaushala, Kathmandu

Phone No.: 01-4113680

Mobile: 9818510533, 9813535397, 9810586736, 9852046497

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