TOR , INGO Job Vacancy

  •  Expression of Interest
  •  Contract
  •  Please check vacancy details.
  •  1
  •  Please check vacancy details
  •  Lalitpur

Detailed Job Description / Requirements

Terms of Reference

For Market Opportunity Assessment of 

“Assist Haliya Community to Achieve Full Rehabilitation from Slavery and Labour Exploitation” Project

1.Background of organization

NNDSWO (1982) is a network based organization having its district chapters in 74 districts in Nepal. NNDSWO envisions an equitable and prosperous society free from all forms of discrimination, exploitation and poverty where human rights, social justice and dignity of all are equally respected. Its Mission is to ‘eliminate caste-based discrimination and untouchability and empower people for dignified life’. Human rights, governance, education and livelihood are four core thematic programme areas of NNDSWO. Gender equality, conflict transformation, youth empowerment, and advocacy on inclusive DRR are major crosscutting themes. It has successfully managed projects on human rights, governance, education, adolescent empowerment, etc. in all regions of Nepal in partnership with inter/national partners/donors.

2.Brief introduction of the project

NNDSWO is implementing a new project titled “Assist Haliya Community to Achieve Full Rehabilitation from Slavery and Labour Exploitation” in five districts (Baitadi, Bajhang, Bajura, Dadeldhura, and Kanchanpur) of province seven in partnership with Anti-Slavery International (ASI). The main funding donor of the project is UK Department for International Development (DIFID). The project period is for three years. The project will facilitate empowerment of freed- Haliya Community (HC) and break cycle of slavery and labour exploitation through; ensuring participation and representation of the HC, particularly women, in rehabilitation process; improve HC children education outcomes through provision of tuition class in order to re-enrol children and assist performance at school; and improving HC employment, livelihoods, and income security through provision of vocational and skill development training to older freed-Haliya children and young adults.

The project has outcome to reduce the vulnerability to slavery and labour exploitation of freed haliya families through increased social, political and economic empowerment and participation in the effective implementation of the government’s rehabilitation process.

It has following outputs:

Output 1: Improving representation of freed haliya community

Output 2: Monitoring of governments rehabilitation process and advocacy

Output 3: Economic empowerment of freed haliya community

Output 4: Education of children

Objective of the market assessment:

Under the output 3, the key objectives of the market assessment are:

  • To identify and analyse local markets for promoting entrepreneurship among freed-Haliya communities,
  • To identify potential trades for employment and self-employment opportunities particularly to freed Haliya women and youths
  • To identify the possible service provider in the target districts, both district based and regional level for vocational, short term and long-term skill trainings
  • To evaluate the livelihood capacities and competencies among target groups, including skills, resources and specific constraint around income earning

4.Research Methodology:

The methodology and research tools to be employed during the assessment include

a.Desk Analysis: The consultant will review recent (last 5 years) documents related to the following; (1) existing market assessments in the target areas; (2) market regulatory and price control policies, laws, and mechanism, and (3) relevant documents on market trends, where available.

b.Market Mapping: The consultant will provide a general map of potential markets in terms of types, size, and volume of market, trade, supply chain, women and youth led business/trades, main access barriers, key local trade organizations, and security arrangement, especially for women and youth

c.Interview with key informants and focused group discussion: The consultant will interview key informants and conduct focused group discussion in each project working districts and clusters; they will include mainly Haliya community, particularly women and youth.

5.Major tasks /Scope of the Assessment 

The scope of the market opportunity assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Develop a study proposal detailing out the methodology of the market opportunity assessment based on ToR;
  • Carry out a desk review of recent (last 5 years) documents related to the following;
    1. Existing market assessments in the target areas;
    2. Market regulatory and price control policies, laws, and mechanism, and
    3. Relevant documents on market trends and trade where available, and provide inception report based on the desk review to show the status of local markets, including detail methodology and approaches to conduct market opportunity assessment, detail work plans and schedules
    4. CTEVT prescribe trade and business course, analyze about the possible interventions in context of Haliya Communities.
  • Form a Market Opportunity Assessment Team, which includes the consultant’s team and project staff of NNDSWO;
  • Develop a standardized Sampling protocol and Data Collection & Management Protocol for the field team
  • Coordinate/Supervise collection of data and verify the compliance of collected data;
  • Carry out data entry into a suitable software for cleaning and analysis;
  • Analyze and interpret the findings;
  • Compare the findings from desk review and field study, and develop and submit the first draft of the assessment report to NNDSWO central team;
  • Make revisions following feedback from NNDSWO;
  • The report should be comprehensive with detailed specific findings and key recommendations for implementation under the above-mentioned objectives;
  • Submit the final assessment report to NNDSWO (both in Hard Copies and soft copies).


This assessment is expected to commence by the 25 August, 2018 and will be completed by 15September, 2018.  NNDSWO anticipate this piece of work will take 15 days to complete within the above period of time. The timeline for this assignment is presented as follows:

S. N.ActivitiesTime lineTotal working days

1Meeting with NNDSWO team at central office After signing the agreementNA

2Draft inception report including design methodology and tools Within 5 days after signing the agreement1 day

5Implementation of Assessment  at field Within 15 days after signing the agreement8 days

8Draft report submissionWithin 7 days after signing the agreement4 days

9Final editing and report submission5 days from submission of draft report2 and half days

Total15 days


The consultant shall be expected to submit the following products and services:

  • Draft inception report with action plan to carry out assessment identified,  detailing methodology and approach to data gathering and stakeholder engagement
  • Presentation or debrief topline findings to NNDSWO;
  • Draft report  and submission to NNDSWO for review and comments;
  • Final Market Opportunity Assessment Report (both hard copy and soft copy).

8.Qualifications and Experience:

The consultant should show evidence of professional qualifications and extensive relevant experience in socio-economic and livelihood assessment, sustainable financing, community livelihood enhancement.Preference is for consultant that has undertaken similar work in the province 7.

Academic Qualifications and Experiences:

  • Master degree in agriculture, economics, rural development, development studies, or management or other related/relevant field of study, with a focus on small/medium/micro enterprise development, with minimum 5 years of relevant practical experience


  • Bachelor in agriculture, economics, rural development, development studies, or management or other related/relevant field of study, with a focus on small/medium/micro enterprise development, with minimum 7 years of relevant practical experience


The consultant shall submit budget breakdown required for the study. The total cost for this assignment should not exceed NPR 170,000. NNDSWO will award competitive EOI. NNDWSO shall pay remuneration upon completion of the deliverables as described in this ToR and the contract document.

10.To Apply and Selection Process

  • Interested private firms and individuals, who meet the above requirements should apply by submitting their Expression of Interest (EoI) with Concept Note (not more than 3 pages) that outlines the methodology, similar work experiences, brief technical description and financial proposal.
  • Prior market assessment report by individual and private firms should also be submitted while application.
  • The updated CV of the consultant should also be submitted.
  • In case of applying firms, profile of organization along with government registration certificate and VAT/PAN/Renewal registration certificate (if applicable) should also be sent. The hard copies should be sent to NNDSWO correspondence address mentioned below, and the electronic copies should also be emailed.
  • The CV and expression of interest should be submitted via email to  and copied to and with subject line“Consultant for Market Opportunity Assessment-freed HALIYA”.
  • The closing date for EOI is 20 August, 2018
  • NNDSWO will evaluate the EOI as per the procurement rule of the organization and award the assignment based upon technical and financial feasibility.
  • Only the successful applicants will be contacted for further process. The total costs of the assignment will be negotiated with the consultant.

Other considerations

Copyright for the documents will remain with NNDWSO.

NNDSWO Correspondence Address

Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organisation (NNDSWO)

Bakhundole, Lalitpur, Nepal

Postal Code : G.P.O. Box: 26196, Kathmandu

Tel : +977-1-5539941; 5523694

Fax : +977-1-555475

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