Work in Bahrain Airport , Team leader, Supervisor and more: salary: 60,000 /- 1598 views0 applications

Nepalese worker wants to work in Bahrain for high paid salary. Bahrain, a nation comprising more than 30 islands in the Arabian Gulf, has been at the center of major trade routes since antiquity. Now this time nepalese have golden opportunity . Soundlines Recruitment has demand with lt no: 224176.

If you are planning to apply job in foreign country, then plese read the following instruction:

  • Always check and verify the LT No. detail before job apply.
  • If job demand is still remain then please call to the manpower office to Know about the remaining quota before applying.
  • Please check the status and history of Recruiting Agency. You may search from internet also .
  • You can get all information about the demand anytime by sending SMS. Please type LT [space] [Lt-Number] and send it to 34001.
  • This all rules and regulations are requested by the Nepal government, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Department of Foreign Employment.
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