World Vision International – Call for EOI

Call for EOI


Developing Data Collection and Visualization Platform

Published date: 07 July 2020

Ref No: WVIN-NO-SR-2020-2395

World Vision International Nepal (WVIN) is an INGO committed to working with vulnerable children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. WVIN seeks a Software development firm to develop a data collection and visualization platform for Humanitarian Response purposes. Therefore, eligible firms who have relevant experience in the above-mentioned sector are invited to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) for the said service. Please be guided with the terms and conditions below for submitting your EOI.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Software development firms most prove its basic legal eligibility by submitting electronic copy (*pdf format) of copy of PAN/VAT certificate, copy of registration certificate and tax clearance certificate.
  2. Company Profile and Proof of experience in developing data and visualization platforms must be included along with a letter of EOI. The firm will be shortlisted by WVIN after assessing the submitted document of proof of experience.
  3. Abovementioned documents must be submitted via email. The subject of the email must be “EOI for Data Collection and Visualization Platform” and each email message should not be more than 10 MB.
  4. Shortlisted firms will be provided a link and password for Pre-bid Orientation webinar meeting.
  5. The deadline for submission of the EOI is due no later than on 13 July 2020 by 12:00 PM to
  6. The pre-bid Orientation webinar meeting shall be held on20July 2020 by 2:00 PM. All shortlisted firms will receive a formal invitation for the pre-bid orientation by COB 17 July 2020.
  7. Term of Reference (TOR), along with Request for Proposal (RFP) for technical and financial proposal will be provided to the shortlisted firms after the pre-bid orientation meeting only to those who will participate in the meeting.
  8. The procurement process shall be governed by WVIN’s procurement policy.
  9. WVIN may at any time in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, withdraw or suspend the bidding process in whole or in part without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
  10. 1Any inquiry/clarification about this EOI can be sent to the abovementioned email address.


World Vision International Nepal (WVIN)

KC Tower, Damodar Galli, Kusunti-13, Lalitpur

Phone: 9851044353

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